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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at CAU chapter.

College can be really tough! However, there are tips to help you during your freshman year of college!

1. GO TO CLASS. I know sometimes 8AM’s are rough, but you’re paying to go to school.

2. Get to know your professors, go to office hours and email them. Putting in extra effort might make them more lenient with grades.

3. It’s okay not to be on a party promoting team. You didn’t come to college for that. Stay focused.

4. SCHOLARSHIPS… Apply! Apply! Apply! There’s no such thing as applying for too many scholarships. The money has to come from somewhere. So much money out there goes unused. Don’t be afraid to apply for “small scholarships,” because small amounts of money adds up quickly!

5. (Issa tip): Try to find a mentor, preferably someone with your major/similar interests. They can show you the ropes of your institution/introduce you to people. Freshman year is a little easier when you have help.

6. Keep your circle tight. Not everyone is your friend. Don’t be naive, but don’t be antisocial. Not everyone needs to know your business.

7. Surround yourself with positive people with similar mindsets/goals and great ambition. You don’t need any jealousy/hidden agendas in ya circle.

8. It’s okay not to have a major picked out going into college. You have time to figure it out.

9. GUYS: Invest in a nice slacks, suit jacket, a button up, dress shoes and a nice tie. LADIES: Invest in some heels (around 2 inches), a skirt/slacks and a nice blouse.


10. Call your parent(s)/guardian(s)/family. They probably want to hear from you.

11. Save your refund (If you get one). Don’t blow it all on unnecessary things. You might need that money on a rainy day. 

12. Check your emails daily.

13. When you go out, travel in groups. There is power in numbers! It’s safer to be in a group of 4, 5 or 6 rather than being by yourself.

14. Get tested regularly. Your physical health is important. Before engaging in sexual intercourse, YOU AND YOUR PARTNER SHOULD GET TESTED!

15. It’s okay to change your major. College is a learning experience. You will learn what you like, what you don’t like and what you’re good at.

16. It’s okay to take a day off and chill. You don’t have to go to every party. Your mental health is just as important as your physical health. Take a Saturday off and just have some “you time.” 

17. Go meet professors in your department. Make sure they know you by name, or at least by face. They can direct you to people they know in your field and that’s how connections are made. And, they might be able to write you letters of recommendations in the long run.

18. NETWORK. If there are free events on campus, go. You can meet cool people and get in touch with the right people. You might meet someone who can help you get an internship. You never know.

19. Don’t sell yourself short. If you want to run for SGA, run for it. If you want to do something, go for it. The worst that can happen is that you get denied.

20. Keep up on your academics. You came to school for a degree and that should be your main focus!

21. Be active on campus. You can’t get the full college experience from sitting in your room everyday. Join organizations, go to campus events. Don’t stay cooped up in your room.

22. Explore the city your school is in. It’s your time to explore and be adventurous. BUT BE SAFE

23. Download Cashapp. It’ll come in handy. Trust me.

24. Know at least 3 people in your class. So that if you’re running late, they can sign you in. Or they can fill you in when you miss class.

25. Download Groupme. It’ll come in handy.

26. Don’t bring your whole house with you to school. It most likely will not fit in our dorm room.

27. Do not buy books if you don’t have to. Chegg, Amazon and different websites offer books cheaper than it would be if you got it from the bookstore. Save yourselves some money!

28. Take extra credit opportunities if they are provided. Even if you don’t need it, take it! It’s better to have something to fall back on.

29. If you take naps, don’t take 4 hour naps of hour naps. Your naps should be around 22 minutes long. You’ll feel refreshed afterwards. I promise.

30. Go to the student center, home games the gym etc. That is part of your attendance fees. Why not utilize what you’re already paying for? And school games are fun.  

31. Invest in a planner or wall calendar. It will be less stressful to see what you’ll have going on for the week/month and you can plan accordingly.

32. Leave a paper trail when you email your professors. Just in case you need to appeal a final grade for a class, you’ll have proof.

33. Use the library during midterm/finals week. Study! Study! Study!

34. HAVE FUN. ENJOY YOUR FRESHMAN YEAR. It’ll be sophomore year before you know it, and in the blink of an eye you’ll be graduating!

Hello, My name is Carlina Lominy. I am a graduating senior Political Science major at THE Illustrious Clark Atlanta University. I am originally from Ft. Lauderdale, Florida and enjoy reading and writing! You’ll often find me with my head in my books, and/or doing research.