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HBCU vs PWI : Why Battle?

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at CAU chapter.

Whether it’s on twitter or a discussion with peers, conversation always seems to turn into a battle when discussing PWIs and HBCUs. For those who do not know, a PWI is a predominately white institution, and an HBCU is a historically black college or university.  “Is it more beneficial for an African American student to attend an HBCU or a PWI?” This question and debate has been going on for years and years. Individuals who support PWIs often state that diversity is the reason African American’s should attend. I’ve also been told that dealing with financial aid is so much worse at a historically black college. To be quite honest, problems with financial aid can occur at any institution. My friends at PWIs have had just as many problems (if not more) as my friends who are attending HBCUs. Some people even go as far to say that going to an HBCU will not land you a good job. People who say this often insinuates that going to a predominately white institution will not only help better prepare you for a job, but it will guarantee you a job as well. A school that is ran by African Americans for African Americans does not hinder students from being successful. As a matter of fact, one of the wealthiest women (Oprah Winfrey) in the nation attended an HBCU. Moreover, there are the HBCU students who bash black students who choose to attend a PWI at every opportunity they get. Going to a PWI does not necessarily mean that you are going to “lose your culture.”  Many PWIs have a black student union, so it is possible to meet and connect with those that look like you. Don’t get me wrong, I strongly believe that the experience you receive at a HBCU is one of a kind. However, I do not believe we should judge one another because of our choice of schooling.  At the end of the day, this battle of which one is better is unnecessary. It’s not always about where you go to school, but it is moreso about what you do in school to be successful.  As long as you are on your grind, the bitter battle between a PWI and an HBCU should cease.

Photo Credit: https://www.theodysseyonline.com/white-people-historically-black-college…

Born and raised in Covington,GA , Jayla Ores is a freshmen at the Illustrious Clark Atlanta University. She is majoring in Mass Media with hopes of having her own talk show.