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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at CAU chapter.

Valentine’s Day is quickly approaching and that means two things. One, you are going to be enjoying the day with your significant other some type of way, or two, you will be spending it alone. This holiday is not one that you have to ignore or not celebrate because you aren’t with someone. If you don’t want to be alone you can always invite some of the gals over and make this a Galentines’s Day. Being alone on Valentine’s Day is not at all sad because these tips will make it 10x better and you’ll appreciate not having someone to spend it with.

  1. Treat Yo’self! – Treating yourself is always nice because you can cherish the hard work that you are doing. Treating yourself on Valentine’s Day is a little different though; you get to celebrate yourself. You can almost make it like a second birthday (LOL). You can buy yourself some flowers, or even make your own Valentine’s Day card.
    Treat yo self gif
  2. Take a Relaxing Bath/Shower- After a day at work/school come home to unwind. Take a nice bubble bath infused with some wonderful oils or flower petals. On Apple Music, YouTube, or Spotify you can always find a nice calm playlist to relax to, or you can make your own as well. If you are in college and don’t have access to a bath, then take a really nice shower and pick up a jelly shower gel from Lush or Amazon to stimulate the same smell of the roses and oils.
    Chandler Long Day
  3.  Buy Really Great Food- Order your favorite meal so that after you have a beautiful bath/shower you can indulge with wonderful food. If you are on a diet make this day your cheat day and just GO IN! Don’t forget about desert either. You could order some bomb red velvet cake, or bake yourself some cookies.
  4. Watch an Easy-going Show/Movie- To keep the mood of relaxation going, find a show or movie on Netflix or Hulu that puts you in a good mood. Whether it is something funny, serious, or something lovey-dovey, it doesn’t matter as long as it makes you happy and relaxed.
  5. Facemask & Skincare- Skin care and facemasks have such a nice feel and can turn your whole night around. Doing your face routine to its entirety plus adding a soothing facemask whether its mud, sheet, or any other kind can make the night even better. You could even get a cute selfie or two during the facemask and after when your skin is glowing.
    Bgb Editor\'S Letter Hero Image
    Adebusola Abujade / Her Campus Media

The biggest tip that can be given to you to ensure that these tips work is to not worry about having someone. Just because it may seem like you need someone to enjoy Valentine’s Day doesn’t mean that it’s true. As long as you love yourself and enjoy your own company you won’t be able to tell a difference. Remember that before you can love anyone you have to love yourself first. Hopefully this survival guide can help you navigate this Valentine’s Day.


Chassee'Palmer is a Senior Mass Media arts with a concentration in Journalism attending Clark Atlanta University.She was born and raised in Charleston,South Carolina so she has a strong love for seafood and beaches. She loves skin care products and whenever she gets bored she tends to online shop (ALOT). You can follow her on instagram @chas.see to view her various shopping hauls.