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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at CAU chapter.

Are you tired of sitting around your dorm with your friends looking for a move? Or maybe there is a move, but you want to do something other than partying that’s fun? Well, it’s October which means that there are plenty of fun fall activities to do with your friends! Why just hang out at the mall, when you can do things like go to hunted house or try out a pumpkin face mask. Yes, going to the mall is always fall but it doesn’t get you in the “Autumn Mood”. Not every activity may fit your group of friends, but that’s okay. There’s something for everybody and depending on your squad, here are some ideas for what to do this Fall 2k17.

  • The Fearless Friends. This group of friends are the adventurous bunch. They hate doing basic things that doesn’t bring any excitement or suspense to them. They aren’t the type to go out for ice cream, talk about life, and be satisfied with that. For these type of friends, I suggest going to see a scary movie and then go to a haunted house. Halloween is right around the corner and the month of October is always filled with hella scary movies. Going to see a scary movie maybe enough for some, but not these folks. Going to a haunted house would be the cherry on top for a lively weekend. Or if you aren’t far from a Six Flags, then Fright Fest would be perfect! Not only is it scary attractions and little hunted house that you could go into, but there’s rides and that’s a bonus.
  • The Cool, Calm, & Collected Crew. This crew likes going out as well but they’re the ones that actually don’t going out for ice cream to catch up on girl talk. They aren’t big on scary things (mainly because they’re actually scared). For these type of friends, I would suggest going to a fall festival and/or a local pumpkin patch. Picking out pumpkins may sound boring to many, but the thought of carving Instagram worthy sayings into your pumpkin is big yes. Some from this crew might still like some rides that aren’t has hardcore like a regular amusement park, so going to the state fair could also be a fun option. Need a little something more after that? What’s a girls’ outing with Starbucks? Taking a trip to Starbucks to enjoy some pumpkin spice lattes with ya girls is the classic way to end a girls’ outing like this.
  • The House Bunnies. Okay, so “The House Bunnies” are the friends who would rather have ice cream at the crib. Going out is okay, but there nothing wrong with finding things to do over a friend’s house! One thing to do that’ll kick things off is have a bonfire. Bonfires are super cute and great for fall weather. Who wouldn’t want to make s’mores around a big open fire with some bops playing in the background? Mmmm, but what if you all aren’t a fan of being outdoors due to bugs? No problem, there are in door activities to do with ya crew as well. Trying out a new fall makeup look from YouTube could be fun as well. When it’s time to wash it all off, this would be a good time to try a new face mask…. a DIY pumpkin face mask. I know it sounds weird, but a pumpkin mask can help protect your skin from wrinkles and age spots as well as exfoliate your skin to have your skin shining brighter than a diamond.

Interested in doing a little bit of everything? Your group of friends would be the “Down for Whateva Friends” and honestly, those are my fav. New seasons are all about trying new things, and who’s better to do it with then your friends? Now that you know what type of friends you have and what type of activities you all could get into, it’s time to start planning before winter gets here. Try mixing things up to get out of your comfort zone as well. You never know what the outcome could be!


Photo Credits: https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=images&cd=&cad=rj…

Born and raised in Covington,GA , Jayla Ores is a freshmen at the Illustrious Clark Atlanta University. She is majoring in Mass Media with hopes of having her own talk show.