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Do your best to prevent winter sickness!

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at CAU chapter.

As you all might know, October is the beginning of flu season, and germs are flying everywhere. The weather is notorious for being wishy washy around this time of the year. Some days it can hot, some days it can cold. Some days it can be windy, some days can be rainy or both. Or, the weather changes throughout the day. In the morning, it can be icy cold like 45 degrees (which may not be cold for some people, but I am from the south, so I can’t deal with that!)  Sometimes, my mid-day can get up to 75 degrees, and it will soon drop back into the forties. With all of these weather changes, it’s so easy to catch an illness. Your allergies could be acting up, and you could catch a cold, the flu or even pneumonia.  Yikes!

October is the “pop out” month for many college students because of homecoming and Halloween. Both events are popular for showing a little skin, which is okay, but showing too much skin can be a problem. Now, unless the fall season wants to act like it is still summer, then showing a whole lot of skin may not affect your health. Yet, most of the time that is not the case. Years ago, when she was vine famous, Cardi B said a legendary line that gets quoted by females all over the nation around this time of the year… “A h** never gets cold.” That may be true, but being a h** does not protect you from getting sick (ha!) Halloween is especially a holiday where, as Regina George says, “…the one night a year when girls can dress like a total slut and no other girls can say anything about it.” The term slut may be a little harsh, but it’s true. We’re young and fine, so why not be overly sexy for Halloween? I’m here for it, but having the three B’s (boobs, belly and booty) out is not the smartest thing to do in this chilly weather. You may think you won’t get sick until that cough tries to creep on you.

Personally, I like showing skin as well, but I have learned my lesson already. Not covering up during homecoming week is the reason why I have had a cold during the past week. The weather did a complete switch up. All of the weeks prior to homecoming were so warm and toasty, so guess what I did? I bought summer clothes even though I knew that there was a possibility that the temperature could drop. Looking at how everyone else is dressed, I wasn’t the only one who did this. I’ve noticed that I was also not the only one who was sniffling the week after too.

During this flu season. It is important to cover up. It’s time to start adding scarves and cute boots to the wardrobe. Instead having the three B’s out, it’s time to bring it down to only one B (and only a little bit of that). Don’t get sick trying to be cute because being sick isn’t cute at all.

Born and raised in Covington,GA , Jayla Ores is a freshmen at the Illustrious Clark Atlanta University. She is majoring in Mass Media with hopes of having her own talk show.