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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at CAU chapter.

As just about everyone knows, life is not the same away from home. Some realize this more quickly than others. Well, since beginning my freshman year of college, I had to learn that the hard way. I did not tend to notice the different feelings I had on certain days such as family members birthdays, holidays celebrated in my home city, or even Sunday mornings. Certain days have tended to evoke different feelings than they had in the past. I especially notice how different being away from home is on Halloween, Martin Luther King Jr. Day, and the Academy Awards. 


  1. Halloween

In the past, I did not particularly engage in many Halloween festivities. No one would ever catch me walking through a haunted corn maze or a haunted house with my friends. I did not really enjoy the spooky aspects of Halloween. However, I loved the fun of spooky season. I loved running to Starbucks to grab a pumpkin spice latte, or picking out cute Halloween donuts at Krispy Kreme. Since being in college, I would have been lucky enough to afford a simple iced coffee for the week yet alone a PSL. I especially loved the decorations in my neighborhood and watching people dress up in creative costumes. In college, not many people go out of their way to even decorate their dorm room. 

Two jack-o-lanterns
Beth Teutschmann

2. MLK Day 

Normally, my family and friends and I reflect on MLK Day as a day of service and reverence. I typically enjoy waking up that Monday morning to enjoy a community service event with my family or friends. I may also partake in any remembrance service for the great Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. This past MLK Day, I was not able to spend it with my family. However, I was able to spend it with my Atlanta University Center family. I was also able to spend it at Morehouse College, which was Dr. King’s alma mater. Although I wasn’t able to spend this past MLK Day with my family, it was definitely a memorable experience. 


3. The Oscars

Watching the Academy Awards alone is most definitely a new experience for me this year. The Oscars has always been my family’s favorite thing to watch together. Normally, my mom prepares a gourmet dinner for us to enjoy as we watch the award show. While having dinner, we somewhat make a game out of determining who will win the Oscar. The Academy Awards is a show that I hold extremely close to my heart. Because my family and I have always watched it together and made such careful predictions, I developed a deep love for movies. I have fallen in love with every aspect of movie making. Being able to enjoy the Academy Awards with my family reminds me each year why I love movies so much. They remind me of the love and togetherness of family. This year, I watched the Oscars alone. However, it has made me appreciate each tradition I have with my family. 


Felicity Warner / HCM

Yes, some of my traditions are changing, and I am slowly adjusting. For all of those adjusting to new traditions and maybe creating a few of your own, enjoy yourself!

Hey guys! I am Sydney Jones,I am a freshman Mass Media Arts major at Clark Atlanta University. I am from the Grind City, also known as, Memphis, Tennesee. On a regular day, you can find me singing my heart out to old Disney movies and TV shows. I am a radio, television, and film concentration, but I love to write in order to share my stories along with other people's stories. Feel free to connect with me through social media and enjoy!