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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at CAU chapter.
Eat Your Veggies

I know that I may sound like your mom, but she’s right. Eat your vegetables! It may be easier to indulge in pizza rolls than to put together a well-balanced meal, but hey, it’s not all your fault! Unfortunately, fresh organic foods tend to be more expensive, but there are cheap, quick ways to ensure that you get the nutrition you need. Try sneaking a few bell peppers into your fajitas. Bell peppers are a great way to add color and various natural flavors to your meal. Green bell peppers usually cost the least out of the bunch. Ramen noodles are typically the go-to meal for many college students. They are cheap and easy to cook. A great way to spice up this meal is by adding vegetables. Throw in some spinach and shredded carrots!


Many universities have a gym or workout facility where students can stay physically active. Clark Atlanta University happens to have a workout room available right on campus. Panther Fit, located in the student center next to Panther Smoothie, is a great place to get in the zone.


I know that you’ve heard it a million times, but drinking water may be the most critical part of this list. Did you know that around 60 percent of the human body is made of water? By not drinking enough water, we are keeping our bodies from functioning at the levels they should. A few benefits of staying hydrated include an increase in productivity, a decrease in fatigue and an improvement in digestion.


In college, you will find yourself being quite busy most of the time. Whether you’re rushing to your next class, meeting your study group at the library, or staying up all night working on a presentation. Though being active is great, it is imperative to make sure that you are getting your rest. Young adults between 18 and 25 should get 7-9 hours of sleep every night.

Brittany Robinson is a sophomore majoring in Mass Media Arts at Clark Atlanta University. She was born in Saginaw, Michigan, and has a deep love for writing in many facets. Not only is she a blogger, but she is also a singer/songwriter. She has had the opportunity to perform at many music festivals and has opened up for many musical artists. In her spare time she loves recording music and listening to her favorite 90s R&B artists. You can follow her on Instagram @Taneenofficial.