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Here’s why you need to watch ‘X-Men 97’ and these other X-Men shows

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Casper Libero chapter.

On May 15th, the last episode of the first season of X-Men 97 aired on Disney Plus. This show is a continuation of the famous X-Men: the animated series and was acclaimed by critics and fans. The series created a balance between nostalgia and novelty, which brings new fans who are curious about watching other productions involving the X-Men. So here are some of my suggestions:

X-Men 97 (2024) 

As stated earlier, X-Men 97 is a direct continuation of the X-Men: The Animated Series series from the nineties. In this new animation, the team needs to deal with the death of their mentor and leader Charles Xavier. In addition to protecting a world that fears them and that has created new methods of extinction for the mutants. Making them fight even more for their people and humanity. 

You should watch this series because if you are a fan of comics, animations, or both, you will not be disappointed. The stories chosen from the comics are very well represented in the incredible script and in the strong dialogues, with all the plots and subplots being extremely interesting and treated with due respect that Marvel’s most famous and beloved team deserves.

Most of the characters have very well-crafted developments, with problems, love and family relationships, demonstrations of powers, and impressive fights. Specially Jean Grey, Rogue, Storm, and Cyclops, which fans missed the most in other media. In addition to these reasons, the villains and antagonists really do justice to their names. Prejudice is treated seriously and intelligently. And with each episode the quality level of the series increases, always having a breathtaking ending. The animation honors the past and embraces the new changes of the present.

X-Men: The Animated Series (1992 – 1997)

In this animation, the team of mutants led by Professor Charles Xavier uses their powers to create good in a world divided by ideologies, trying to find a way to coexist by being different. In addition to the arrival of Jubilee to the team, there are also those mutants who use their powers for evil because they believe in different conceptions.

You should give this show a chance to be able to contextualize yourself about X-Men 97 because it is really worth it, being far ahead of its time for the way it dealt with issues such as tolerance, rights, and other social issues.

It also has very interesting and fan-favorite villains such as Apocalypse, Sentinels, Dark Phoenix, Mr.Sinister, Magneto, and Sabretooth. In addition, the main team also has the most beloved characters, such as Cyclops, Jean Gray, Wolverine, Rogue, Beast, Gambit, and Storm being treated with respect. And it has a remarkable retro aesthetic and an iconic opening.

X-men: Evolution (2000 – 2003)

In this animation, which takes place in the 2000s, the public follows the team as teenagers studying at the Xavier School for Gifted Youngsters while facing challenges from the outside world and learning to deal with their powers and their personal dramas.

You should look for this series because of how the characters are. We can see a side from them that is not possible in the other animations (since they start adults in them). We see them maturing, discovering and learning about their powers, falling in love, defeating their fears, etc. And if your favorite antagonist is Magneto or your favorite villain is Mystique, you will love the animation, because those two receive a lot of focus and interesting plots.

In addition to all this, the series has several characters that do not appear or who do not receive so much focus on the other animations, which only further enriches the story. The series also created the X-23, known as Laura Kinney, a character much loved by fans and who years later appeared in the live-action Logan

With that said…

After many years of cornering by Marvel, X-Men 97 has brought the mutants to the spotlight again. The animation is wonderful, but there are also others that deserve your attention and that will meet your expectations.


The article above was edited by Fernanda Miki Tsukase.

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Mariane Senne Dias

Casper Libero '27

Sou uma jornalista em formação pela faculdade Casper Líbero. Sou apaixonada por séries, livros, cinema e cultura em geral.