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What Is Expected From A Young Person In The Labor Market

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Casper Libero chapter.

If you live (or know somebody who lives) in Brazil, you probably know that finding a job haven’t being an easy task over the last years. The country is passing through a recession since 2014 and lots of people have been fired or can’t be hired in a company. For young people, the situation is the same. According to IBGE (Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics), about 11 million Brazilians between 15 and 29 years old neither study nor work. They are known as “nem-nem” (nor-nor, in a free translation). 

Despite of that, if someone really wants and needs a job, giving up can’t be an option. To help these young people, we will tell you what is expected from a young person in the labor market and how to achieve these abilities. Check it up:


A broad market view

Nowadays, it is not a big thing to be a specialist in something. Of course, if you want to be successful in certain area, it’s essential to domine all the subjects related to it. But, more than that, what is really expected from young people is to have a broad market view. That is, besides dominating some field of knowledge, you must have at least a little notion about others areas of a company.

For example, today is almost difficult for a company to work if it doesn’t have a communication strategy in social networks. It doesn’t matter if you have a private practice, a pet shop, a supermarket or a communication company. The key expression is: have thirst for knowledge.

A calm mind

It’s a common assumption that the new generation of people is too imediatist and sometimes very anxious. They live in a constant hurry and want to know what is happening all the time. And thanks to social networks it’s completely possible. But, although they are almost always well informed, this busy life can affect their emotions and stresse them out. After all, it’s difficult to have peace of mind in this frantic pace. 

The question is that knowing how to control emotions is an essential requirement nowadays in labor market. The time in which bosses could scream to their employees is over (thank God). That’s the reason why there are a lot of activities being implemented in corporative world to keep workers relaxed, like mindfulness (a quick meditation for busy people), pool table and games being spread out by the company.

So, don’t forget taking some time to relax doing activies that make you happy – like hanging out with friends, readingt your favorite book, watching Netflix shows, working out your body. 

An up-to-date professional

Have your parents ever said: “don’t you ever stop studying, you almost have something new to learn”? Yeah, this sentence is truer than ever. Today, having a graduation not necessarily means you will have a good job. Thanks to the emergence of new colleges with cheaper prices, education has become more accessible – and these are good news, of course.

But because of the increasing number of graduated people, competition in labor market has increased. Because of that, If you want to stand out, it’s essential to have a specialization. So make lots of courses in your area and try to have postgraduate studies. By doing so, you tend to always be aware of the news your area and also to have more ability to innovate – a skill always appreciated by companies. 

That’s it, girls! Never stop studying and use all the technologies around you in your favor to leverage your career!

a heart moved by art
Giovanna Pascucci

Casper Libero '22

Estudante de Relações Públicas na Faculdade Cásper Líbero que ama animais e falar sobre séries.