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Waking up in the Subway with a Random Book: Meet Lucas Toso

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Casper Libero chapter.

From Jundiaí city, Lucas is full of energy and knowledge: he plays chess and table tennis for Cásper Líbero University, is an intern at Gazeta Esportiva and goes back and forth to his hometown every single day. He knows a lot about games, animes, movies and is really into sports. Anyone would love to meet this geek funny guy.

Name: Lucas Resende Toso

Age: 19

Hometown: Jundiaí

Sign: Libra

Major: Journalism

Grade: Sophomore

Why Cásper and why Journalism?I always enjoyed cinematography and film production, but it was harder to get in and since I don’t really like studying, I went to plan B: Journalism.  Since I like writing fiction stories, tales and stories and general, I thought that majoring in Journalism would allow me to work with things I like, such as movies, sports etc. About Cásper, I had a cousin that studied here and so, the idea of the college’s excellence was always around. Because of that, when I thought of studying Journalism, Cásper was my first choice as a private school. 

What are your expectations for JUCA (Games of Communication and Art Schools, translated to English)?This year I’m playing chess and table tennis. Last year, however, I played only chess and we got fourth place because we had some issues regarding the regulation, which is weird. So even though we beat the third place, we still ended up behind them. For this next season we hope to get better, since we have new players and more practice.

For table tennis, on the other hand, it’s going to be my first year playing at JUCA, but my second time playing in a competition, because last November we played at EPIC. We got third place in that championship, but now we are more confident, because we have been practicing for longer and the partners are getting better together

What is your favorite Cásper party?I don’t know if I have a favorite one, but I like the “cervejadas” (Beer parties) better. Even though this year is going to be hard for me to attend them, since I work on Saturdays, I like them because they have a different environment when comparing to the night club ones. I feel like there are less people trying to get on top of others.

What is like to work at Gazeta Esportiva?Gazeta Esportiva was the first sports newspaper in Brazil, but now we only have the online version, which is a website. When you start as an intern, there are three areas where you can work at: National Soccer, International Soccer (focusing in the European soccer) and Other Sports, which includes all the other kinds of sports besides soccer. My favorite one is “Other Sports” and since the first day I said that I wanted to work with it, so I usually write about them. I really like it and I think it’s more active than only writing about soccer, especially now that Brazil is hosting the Olympics. I’m excited to cover this huge event because I’m really fan of sports and I always try to find new types of games to learn and root for. It’s going to be my first big sport project working at a real press and I can’t wait for it.

You live in Jundiaí (a city an hour away from São Paulo). You go back and forth every day for college and work. How is it? What is the funniest thing that has ever happened with you on your way to class?I’m from Jundiaí and I have to take the road bus everyday – you can take the train but it’s not practicable because I get out of class late at night and the train takes forever to get there. Every day I spend around four, four hours and a half on the road, which is really tiring. Before being an intern, it was not as exhausted as it is right now, because I didn’t need to get to Cásper on time, I could arrive late to class and stuff. But now I have a timecard and I have to wake up at a certain time, otherwise they can complain about it. If there’s an accident on the road, for example, I get worried and have to let my boss know that there is a reason why I’ll arrive late. So, it’s really tiring. But next week I’m moving in with some friends here in São Paulo city, so that will be good and I’ll finally have time to rest myself.

The funniest thing that happened to me was after one of the parties Cásper held, when I slept in the subway and woke up at midnight at a subway station. By the time I woke up, the subway was already closed and I freaked out, because the last bus to Jundiaí would leave the bus station at 12:45 a.m. so I obviously had lost the bus. Oh, and when I woke up I had no money and my cellphone was gone, because I lost it at the party. The only thing I had was a book, which I bought from one of the machines they have in the subway that charges 2 bucks for any book, but I put my last 20 reais in it. I was dumb enough to leave the subway station to look for a public phone and when you get out, you need another ticket to get in again. But here is the thing, I had no money left. A nice guy paid for my ticket and I got in the train – since it was already back on service – and so I went to the bus station. When I got there, with no money, the guy from the bus company I usually take paid for my bus ticket, but the ride was only for the next morning. When I decided to sit and read the book I had bought to wait for the bus, I saw my dad coming in my direction to give me a ride home.

Something you can’t live without?Flip-flops! I just love flip-flops.

What do you see yourself doing in 10 years?I have no idea!

If you had a tattoo, what would that be?Gosh… I want to have many tattoos. I have a sentence planned to tattoo with a friend that is from an American cartoon “Let go your earthly tether. Enter the void. Empty and become wind”. I want to tattoo a tree as well, a totem and other words. I want to become a human comic book.

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Mariana d'Ávila

Casper Libero

Hi, my name is Mariana, but you can call Mary :) I'm 21 years old, a Junior at Cásper Líbero University and editor of Profile here at Her Campus. As a Journalism student, I love to write, read and ask people questions. I'm a dog person and my favorite singer is Taylor Swift. I lived in Portland, Oregon for a year and even though I live in São Paulo city, Brazil, my heart is still in the States. Hope you like what you read <3
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Alana Claro

Casper Libero '17

Alana is a Senior in Cásper Líbero University, majoring in Journalism. She is President of Casper Libero's Chapter and an intern in a Corporate Communications firm. Born and raised in Sao Paulo, where she speaks Portuguese, although English is her ever-lasting love. Alana is a proud Slytherin and INTJ.