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Understand What Do The Letters in LGBTQIA+ Stand For

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Casper Libero chapter.

The LGBTQIA movement and its celebrations are very important to increase society’s awareness of the difficulties and issues that LGBT+ still have nowadays and, above all, promote equal rights and respect for these  people. The first thing for understanding what is the movement about, is getting aware about what means the letters in the LGBTQIA+ initials!

We organized letter by letter so you can learn, share and support this beautiful and colorful cause!

LGBTQIA movement

L – Lesbian: Women, transgender or cisgender, that are attracted only for other women.  

G – Gay: Refers to homosexual people in general, but is commonly used to talk about male homosexuals although lesbians can also be referred as gays.

B – Bisexual: A person who is attracted to both men and women. It is important to highlight that bisexual people can be fully happy relating to only one gender: it is not necessary to be with both at the same time for being considered bisexual.

T – Transgender: A person whose gender identity differs from what is typically associated with the sex that were assigned at birth. 

T – Two-Spirit: A term used by some indigenous North Americans to refer to “gender-variant” people. In other words, people who identifies with  both genders, but do not define theirselves in only one classification.

Q – Queer: A term that was originally used pejoratively but now is associated with people who are not heterosexual or cisgender.

Q – Questioning: Literally someone who is in the process of exploration and is questioning her or his own sexuality or gender identity, and concerned about using a “social label”.

I – Intersex: Some variation in sex characteristics (like in the genitals or chromossomes) that do not allow classifying the person as female or male.

A – Asexual: A person who does not feel sexual attraction to anyone, of any gender. However, asexual people can fall in love as anyone else. Asexual can be ‘’straight romantics’’, ‘’homo romantics’’, or ‘’bi/pan romantics’’.

A – Agender: Someone who does not identify with any gender.

P – Pansexual: A person who is attracted to people of any sex or gender identity.

Now you have no excuses to use the wrong nomination when talking about someone ! Of course, these are just a few  classification of the movement, there are a lot more out there, but the most important thing is to use the right term when referring to someone and obviously, respect everyone, independent of the sexual orientation or gender identity!


Leticia Cybis

Casper Libero '21

Journalism student at Cásper Líbero, São Paulo, Brazil. Author of the ebook "Sobre as Estrelas", available on Wattpad, but always writing new stuff (new books coming soon!). Music lover, but don't really know to play anything very good. French lover, but can't go any more further than "oui".
Giovanna Pascucci

Casper Libero '22

Estudante de Relações Públicas na Faculdade Cásper Líbero que ama animais e falar sobre séries.