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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Casper Libero chapter.

Make-up is a synonym of beauty and confidence. Good makeup helps to highlight strengths, reveals our personality and how do we want to show ourselves to the world.

Shoot the first stone who have ever wanted a palette of shades with dozens of colors. Makeup is a topic in most of women’s conversations, from the teens magazines that taught the basics to YouTube tutorials that teach step by step the more elaborated makeups.

Thinking about that, these Casperians developed the love of makeup in adolescence and with much practice, it was no longer just a hobby or self-care, today they are professional makeup artists.

Carla Cristina, 22 years old, student of Advertising and Marketing

It was in her adolescence that Carla began to show her interest for makeup: at 15 she started to make up her friends when at school. Initially without following many tutorials, everything changed when at 20 she decided to leave the chemical engineering course, which she chose because of the cosmetics area. Then, Carla began to do an eight-month course of professionalization at Senac — she says it was the best investment of her life — with months of learning and professional satisfaction that are now part of her everyday life.

“Makeup is an item that allows you to release creativity and the very essence”, the student describes about her relationship with makeup. She claims that she likes to do makeup because of the feeling of well being, the connection with her or the care of the other she can provide. Today this relationship is more professional: as soon as she finished the course, people began to contact her from the photos she posed. Today Carla is part of makeup artists network “Make You” in São Paulo thanks to the nomination of a friend. But make it clear that in her perception, makeup is a fun first place.

Carla believes that makeup influences self-esteem and confidence. “Makeup is more than a fashion trend or dictatorship of beauty: it is a form of expression, so much that there is conceptual and artistic make. Not all make follows the pattern of social makeup that we see the hills in the instagram daily. Sometimes makeup is just disguising that stain that bothers you not because someone commented on it, but because you feel better without it. And that does not mean not accepting, but expressing what you feel about yourself.”, she ended by talking about the satisfaction she feels at seeing her clients come through.

Tips from Carla

Regarding skin care, she states that a moisturized skin changes the makeup, and these cares should be daily. Proper makeup removal, a good moisturizer and the application of sunscreen every day, these are the main process for her, “a mantra”, jokes.

Carla has an Instagram and Facebook dedicated to her job.

Giulia Lima, 20, a student of Advertising and Marketing

Giulia says that she was always interested in makeup, but at the age of 14, when she started learning, it was just a hobby. “I used to do it because I liked it a lot and it was a time I felt that I used to enjoy myself, a tasty pastime I had sometimes”, she commented. She learnt most things by herself, researching make-up artists and with the help of YouTube. Then came the interest and passion for makeup and techniques, people saw her makeup and began to call her, it was then that she decided to take vocational courses and saw the opportunity to work with it. 

She also believes that makeup can influence confidence and self-esteem, makeup can help hide what we do not like and there is no problem in that. And she puts her opinion: “I do not think it should be used for this purpose because I believe that we have to love who we see in the mirror the way we really are” 

Tips from Giulia​

Giulia also states that skin care is essential, she advises the use of specific soaps to clean the skin and application of sunscreen, the other care depends on each type of skin, so concludes “It is imperative to consult a dermatologist.” 

Giulia has a YouTube channel dedicated to her work: “Giulia Lima”, an Instagram and Facebook.

Vitoria Abrão, 18, journalism student

Victoria also showed the interest and ability to do makeup since she was young, and has grown to follow the tutorials on YouTube. At age 16, she decided to take a course at Senac to become a professional, it was through this that her acquired much of her technique.

She took the course for three months in an intense schedule, from 1 pm to 6 pm, so today she has the makeup artist certificate. To conquer it she did a TCC that was to present a make. It is part of the course the whole theoretical part of skin biology, classes on colors, tones, smudges, cleaning, among others. Victoria says she learned even about skin diseases and the bureaucratic part of doing a makeup on a skin with acne, for example, that can render a suit if you do not have authorization. The classes were divided between this theoretical part and the practical part, where in pairs they did the make-up.

Victory regrets the lack of recognition that often happens because sometimes people do not understand that the amount charged by the makeup is due the effort of the professional in taking courses and having the products that are expensive, outside the physical wear “makeup artist does not sit”. She carried a small travel bag during the course, as she had to carry products for all skin types.

She says she’s passionate about makeup. “It’s the thing that I love the most, because I know that I change people’s lives at least a little bit and their self-esteem.” She started doing makeup to raise her self esteem because she had problems with acne. Shortly afterwards she volunteered at an NGO that  assists women with cancer, Divas Project, and states how much a makeup can help a woman “all they asked of me was to draw the eyebrow and put on false eyelashes because they lost with chemo, it’s surreal the power that makeup has!”.

Vitoria has an Instagram to show her work.

Mariana Salomone, 19, a student of Advertising and Marketing

Mariana began to take an interest in makeup at the age of 10, influenced by her godfather who loved doing mega productions to go to fancy parties. She started watching tutorials on YouTube by the makeup artist Michelle Phan American (michellephan) and the brazilian Camila Coelho (camilacoelho), then he began to follow several youtuber to perfect her technique.

Today she accompanies more Dutch Nikkie Tutorials (nikkietutorials), Brazilian Bruna Tavares (brutavaresppf) and Romulo Cricca (romolocricca), on them she finds inspiration to be more creative and to leave the standard “Smokey eye black + brown”. Makeup was no longer a hobby for her when friends and colleagues began to be interested in her work, so she began to charge prices below the market average, which was successful. Before that, family and close friends always asked her to do makeup on them at events, so she did it for free because she liked makeup.Image Source: Personal File

Mariana considers makeup as one of her best friends, that always makes her happy and excited, motivating her to move on in life and learn new techniques. She believes that makeup can help girls’ self-esteem, and somehow follow society’s standards, but believes that this is not the main focus. “There are girls who hate each other the minute they go through any type of makeup”, for her, every girl should dress up any way she wants.

Mariana has an Instagram to show her work


The article above was edited by Laura Ferrazzano.

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