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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Casper Libero chapter.

For most of us, the biggest turn down when it comes to travelling is packing. Choosing between one or other shirt, the leather jacket or more shoes seems to be impossible. It’s fair to say that we, women, have a lot more trouble when it comes to narrowing down the quantity of clothes we’ll take with us elsewhere because, let’s be honest, we need more options than two shorts and two t-shirts (Congratulations to men who can live so simply).

Trouble is: we can’t take everything we want. As much as 64kg seems a lot for one person (according to the international code, one can take two luggages weighing 32kg each when taking an airplane), it always seems like it’s nothing. We, from Her Campus Cásper Líbero, decided to give you a hand in this mission. Check our top 10 travel tips for a small, but still fashionable, travel luggage:

  1. Repeating pieces isn’t a crime.

We all have those pieces that can create a thousand different looks, and those are the ones you shall take with you when travelling. Everything from a basic white t-shirt to that sneakers that match every outfit is welcome. See how you can create three different looks with the same piece:

Night out look:


Formal (ish) look for a fancier meeting or restaurant:

Daily look that works almost everywhere:

  1. Pre-approved always wins.

Form your looks beforehand, since you’ll know exactly the options you will have once you get in your destination, which will save you time (score!), and will save you much space since you’re only taking exactly what you need (double score!).

  1. Choose the right fabrics.

Go for the light fabrics or the ones that resist wrinkles, such as cotton, wools and knits. Not only they will be wrinkleless after the flight but also they are versatile (some garments can be double duty, such as yoga pants that works as pajamas).

  1. Roll softer garments and fold stiffer ones.

Underwear, T-shirts, jeans, cotton pants, and knitwear won’t wrinkle when rolled tightly, says Judy Gilford, author of The Packing Book ($13, amazon.com). Stiffer fabrics, such as starched cotton shirts, blazers, dressy pants, and skirts, should be carefully folded (place them on top of other clothes).

  1. Choose that one jacket that matches all looks.

Be prepared for any type of weather and always bring at least one, or in this case, ONLY one jacket with you. We all have that one black jacket that goes along with almost every single outfit. That’s the one you should pick.

  1. Top the pile with the clothes you’ll need first.

Depending on what your destiny is, I’m sure you’ll know if you’ll wear a bikini or a scarf and gloves first. Place those items on top of everything and leave those that you are only taking for precaution in the bottom. Less mess is granted.

  1. Stuff your shoes.

Yes, shoes do take a lot of space in the bag. What you haven’t noticed yet is that you can use the space they hold inside to place items like phone chargers, sunglasses, jewelry… Anything that fits! (Be careful not to damage your shoes and items).

  1. Group similar products in sealed bags.

One bag for cosmetics, another for hair products and a third for skin-related ones. Use as many as you need, but be careful with their size and prefer travel sized ones (They are available in drug stores all around).

  1. Do not take anything you would be upset to lose.

This rule sticks not only for jewelry, but it also applies to all items you pack. There is no need to take that expensive dress you worked hard for to buy: avoid tears and a broken heart.

  1. Choose the right luggage

Search the best and most reliable brands and be sure it fits your needs. Whether it is a bigger, tougher or more practical bag. Your luggage and you can have a love or a hate relationship. It’s up to you to make the right choice!


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Camila Villegas

Casper Libero

Born and raised in a small city in the countryside of São Paulo (Brazil) named Salto, Camila Villegas is now studying in the most traditional Journalism School, Cásper Líbero University, not only from Brazil but the entire Latin America. At the age of 18, with a promising passion for travelling, fashion, health and sustentability, Camila is urging to see the world and all that it's got. Lover of the life, vegan for the earth, our health and the animals, she wants to give voice for those who are unable to speak for themselves. With a critical and inovative look on daily and not-so-daily facts, she'll bring to you what you don't see on local media.
Giovanna Pascucci

Casper Libero '22

Estudante de Relações Públicas na Faculdade Cásper Líbero que ama animais e falar sobre séries.