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Sex On A Plate: Candy In Sexual Shapes For Fun With Friends

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Casper Libero chapter.

Sex is good and so is food. How could the combination of the two be bad?  Whether for a bachelor party or for any day, here are five erotic food places that are not meant to spice up your love relationships, but to bring a little humor into your everyday life.  

La Quequetterie

La Quequetterie is a crepe chain present in France and Switzerland and is part of the new “porn food” trend. The thematic decoration of the stores ensures that the customer’s enjoyment is expanded and confers more fame through social networks due to its instagrammable aesthetic.

The concept of this “porn food” has become so popular that it has spread to other countries in the world, such as Brazil, which has become involved in a controversy. The Ministry of Justice of the country has banned the sale to minors and the display of “sexual” sweets in shop windows. Now, at the time of purchase the attendants have to ask for the identity of consumers, to make sure they are the appropriate age. 

Le’ Bakery Sensual

A store specializing in cakes decided to make some with sexual content, from organ shapes to characters performing sexual positions . To make the order you can contact via phone or access the site to see the examples.

Hot Shop Chocolate

This web site sells chocolates and takes the opportunity to make an option aimed at adults. They have made their social networks separated into two accounts – the family- friendly one is designed to show the convection of normal and commemorative chocolates. The spicy version, on the other hand, has posts whose intent is to expose the erotic and fun version of the candy.

The work is done on demand up to 72 hours in advance, by phone or email. It is worth mentioning that the owner of the site is American, which restricts the service to the country.

Dicks by mail

Here’s another website on the list. This one was created with a very striking humorous tone. The idea is to send a package of pennis candy to someone. You can send the bag of bullets anonymously or reveal the sender. As the name suggests, the products are in the shape of pennis or with the mention of the organ in them. Expanding beyond the bullets they also produce chocolates, clothing and accessories. 

Valen Bar

Last on the list is a themed bar in Porto Alegre, Brazil. The decor of handcuffs, posters and suggestive images combines with the low lighting and the arrangement of sex toys – not available for use – scattered around the bar, creating a fun environment to enjoy with friends.

The drinks and food unite sexuality, either by the shape of the food and complementary accessories, or by the presence of ingredients considered aphrodisiacs to increase the feeling of sexual tension in the atmosphere.

It is worth remembering that although this is a themed sex bar, it is not permitted to perform the act on the premises.

👯‍♀️ Related: ‘The Sex Lives Of College Girls’: A Series That Breaks The Taboos Around Sex


The article above was edited by Mariana do Patrocínio.

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Juliana Santos

Casper Libero

Student at Cásper Libero who likes books, parks and wants to learn about many things.