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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Casper Libero chapter.

Romantic and dreamers by nature, Libra girls can be perfectly represented by fairy tales and love stories. So how about saying goodbye to the Sun on this Zodiac Sign by analyzing some characteristics of our favorite princesses, that are true Librians?

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Aries – Merida

The brave and fearless Merida translates all the intensity of Aries. Bringing the color that represents the Zodiac Sign in her hair, she is not afraid to use her third arm (the bow and arrow that she always carries in her hands) against her enemies and to achieve her goals. Her impulsiveness ends up putting her on trouble: her mother turns into a monster. On the other hand, Merida is always defending her people, and does her best do keep her father in the reign. The story is completely disruptive, because it deconstructs the idea of princesses that the public had until then.

Taurus – Aurora

“Sleeping Beauty” by itself is already a Taurus name. Just like Venus, the queen of beauty who also rules this Zodiac Sign, Aurora is a pretty woman, who is sentenced to sleep until being kissed by her true love. Because she’s been protected during all her life, she’s very shy and insecure. The princess admires the nature, which says a lot about the essence of Taurus, which belongs to the Earth element.

Gemini – Pocahontas

“Pocahontas” means “spoiled girl” and often this is how people of this Zodiac Sign can be. A born communicator, when she was 12, the Pocahontas india convinced her father to not kill the British soldier John Smith, in order to don’t attract the hate of the settlers. She falls in love with John and as a good geminian, her relationship turns out to be a challenging issue, since she ends up in jail because of that. 

Cancer – Cinderella

Just like Cancer girls, Cinderella is an incurable romantic. After her father’s death, she is treated by her stepmother as a maid inside her own home, but despite having a difficult life, she nurtures the hope of one day  being truly loved. Cinderella is forbidden to go to a prom by her stepmother, who knows she is the prettiest in the area. As a good person of this Zodiac Sign, the princess cried nonstop, until a fairy godmother emerges and grants her a beautiful dress, plus a charming carriage.

Leo- Rapunzel

Rapunzel’s kindness manifests itself even before her birth: she is delivered to a witch to save her father’s life. When she completed 12, she was locked up by the evil creature in a very tall tower, with no doors or stairs. The only way she could show herself to the world was through a window, where she sang and delighted everyone who passed by. A prince fell in love with her, but there was only one way to get to the top of the castle: Rapunzel threw her long and golden hair, so that he could climb. Her braids are part of her essence, which is a very striking aspect of Leo. As a good person of this Zodiac Sign, she surrenders to the feeling she has for the prince without looking back.

Virgo – Mulan

Love has never been a priority in Mulan’s life. The inspiring princess shows all her strength when she infiltrates the male army to spare her father. She doesn’t usually demonstrate her feelings, much less her weaknesses, but inside, there is a sensitive and lovely girl, always willing to help others and fight for what she believes.

Libra – Bela

The story of Bela brings out the true meaning of love, and consequently, the way that Libra sees the world: what is inside is much more important than what is outside. Besides that, “Beauty and the Beast” represents love’s power of transformation . Diplomatic, she convinces the beast to free her father, saving his life. The princess also makes the animal enchant in her by reading to the creature, living up to the Air Zodiac Sign that she represents.

Scorpio – Elsa

Elsa has a hard time dealing with the ability granted to her. She ends up isolating herself so people don’t find out she has the power to create ice. The princess is so focused on suppressing her power that she starts a winter beyond her control. Her feelings are directly affected by the situation, and she feels like a big monster. On the other hand, Elsa always seeks to bring joy to her people and cherishes her sister.

Sagittarius – Ariel

Despite knowing the whole ocean, the little mermaid wants more! The idealist Ariel dreams of having legs to break the world and live great adventures. She is cheerful, caring and outgoing. The princess’ love stories are also totally a Sag thing: after a hurricane, she meets the prince she falls in love with  and wakes him up with her unique way of singing. Besides that, Ariel is very loyal to her friends and vice versa, as we observed in her relationship with Sole.

Capricorn – Tiana

Tiana represents the real life princesses. Determined and independent, she takes pride in doing things her own way without asking anyone for help. Born in a humble family, Tiana has to keep two jobs as a waitress to raise money and achieve her dream: opening her own restaurant. Princess’s entrepreneurial spirit makes her not care about relationships, but once she does, she ends up getting involved with a prince who promises to help her with her business. Both, however, learn to live even with their defects, in a somewhat unusual way. 

Aquarius – Jasmine

As a good Aquarius girl, the indomitable Jasmine refuses to marry the suitors chosen by her father, the rich Sultan of Agrabah. Angry, she runs away from the palace where she lived and meets the humble Aladdin, for whom she falls in love and goes on to live a free but very intense love story. Jasmine didn’t give up on Aladdin when he needed the most and all her insight helped him to become a great man.

Pisces – Snow White

The lovely and generous Snow White brought with her the most striking aspect of beauty: the absence of vanity, which made her even more beautiful. The affectionate way of the princess delights everyone, but like all the Pisces girls, her naivety puts her in bad lightning. Bela is sweet, and capable to overcome even the evils destined for her.

Karolina Pestrin

Casper Libero

Giovanna Pascucci

Casper Libero '22

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