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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Casper Libero chapter.

Name: Alexandre Gonçalves

Age: 19

Major: Journalism

Year: 2017

Hometown: São Paulo

Sign: Gemini

Hogwarts’ House: Slytherin

Preference: boys

Status: taken

Interests: literature, roller skating and just-dance

So, Ale, we know that you are an amazing poet. Could you tell us how this started?

“C’mon, guys (laughs)… My high school teacher had this project called Middle Midia, in which we could create something related to communication. My class chose to produce a magazine and kind of a blog about it so we could write anything we wanted, in any way we wanted. I was pretty tired of just writing articles and school issues, so I took that as an opportunity to write anything I wished, thinking of how people would look at it.

The first poem that I wrote was about something that I thought during the bus ride from school. I was staring at the sky and I noticed that it had no stars, so I thought of this word, which does not exist in Portuguese, “unstarry” sky, and wrote the poem based in its title. I published it at the blog, and people came to me saying how much they had liked it. It was like when I read literature and identify myself with something that I am not the author of, but in the side of the author. These people came to me and said they also felt that way. It was really nice.”

Do you think about literature as a career option?

“Currently I am thinking about no career at all (laughs). I’m kidding. It would be really awesome to write a book and having people reading it – Like, a book with (pictures) and stuff – someone could have its own perception of my perception.”

We know that you currently have an internship in Sesc (a Brazilian public organization that offers affordable concerts, plays, sports and exhibitions). How are you feeling about that?

“It was an option between a couple that I had, but I regret nothing about choosing it. Because of the many shows, presentations and art facilities that I end up seeing while I’m there, I kind of become a different person every day. I leave every day with a completely different mood than the one that I entered with. Despite the fact that I’m Gemini.”

Do you have any hidden hobby or talent?

“I like roller skating! It is like my exercise thing when I have the time for doing it.”

What’s the best part of being a Cásper’s student?

“This one is pretty hard. Nothing, I guess (laughs). I’m kidding. I think the friendships that I have made are probably the best thing around here.”

Student of Journalism at Faculdade Cásper Líbero and editor of Art and Photography at the oldest house organ magazine of Latin America, "A Imprensa". Loves reading, travelling and cats.
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Bárbara Muniz

Casper Libero

Bárbara Muniz is a Journalism student and Theather lover. Half journalist, half artist, totally feminist. Hufflepuff placed, sagittarian and vegetarian. Cásper Líbero University's Charpter co-correspondent and editor-in-chief. Intern in a Brazilian broadcast channel called BandNews TV, where she works among production for newscast and social media.