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Old But Gold – #8 Classic Horror Movies You Must Watch

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Casper Libero chapter.

The year 2022 is passing and its best time has arrived: Halloween! Thinking about that, HC has elaborated a list of classic horror movies for you to marathon. We know that horror movies are as old as cinema itself and that the date has centuries of history, as well as being surrounded by mysticism, magic and supernatural events – the perfect combination for some good scares!

Check out eight classic horror movies below to terrify you this Halloween – and even now after it, because these movies are worth to be seen:

the shining

The famous psychological horror film was based on Stephen King’s work and became a reference in cinema and international pop culture. Jack is an uninspired writer battling with alcohol addiction. When he gets a job as a janitor at an isolated hotel in the mountains, he moves there with his wife and son. However, the location begins to influence the protagonist’s behavior, which becomes increasingly threatening.

The Texas Chainsaw Massacre

The story tells the tragic fate of a group of friends who travel to Texas. Along the way, they encounter Leatherface and his creepy family. The villain, who was inspired by true crimes, continues to scare generations of moviegoers.

Child’s Play

A woman buys her son a doll cursed by a serial killer killed in a toy store. Shortly before, he performs a voodoo ritual with the doll, which comes to life and becomes a dangerous psychopath.

Friday the 13th

The story of an old murder in Crystal Lake doesn’t stop some young people from setting up summer camp in the woods. Superstitious locals warn about the incident, but Jack, Alice, Bill, Marcie and Ned don’t pay attention to their elders and end up being pursued by a brutal killer.

A Nightmare on Elm Street

A group of teenagers have horrible nightmares which they are attacked by a deformed man with steel claws. It only appears during sleep, and to escape it is necessary to wake up. The crimes go on and on, until it is discovered that the mysterious being is actually Freddy Krueger, a man who molested children on Elm Street and was burned alive by the neighborhood. Now, Krueger may have returned to take revenge on those who killed him, through sleep.


This horror classic is the first in the saga of Michael Myers, a serial killer who attacks on Halloween nights. In 1963, during a cold Halloween night, six-year-old Michael Myers brutally murders his teenage sister Judith. He is convicted and detained for 15 years in an institution. In 1978, on Halloween eve, Michael steals a car and escapes from Smith’s Grove Sanitarium. He returns to his sleepy hometown of Haddonfield, Illinois, where he looks for his next victims.

The Exorcist

An actress gradually becomes aware that her twelve-year-old daughter is behaving completely frighteningly. So she asks a priest, who is also a psychiatrist, for help, and he comes to the conclusion that the girl is possessed by the devil. Then, he requests the help of a second priest, an expert in exorcism, to try to free the girl from this terrible possession.

The Silence of the Lambs

A talented young FBI agent is advised by Dr. Hannibal Lecter, a brilliant psychiatrist and also a violent and cannibalistic psychopath, in order to capture another killer.


The article above was edited by Mariana do Patrocínio.

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Giovanna Oliveira

Casper Libero '25

22 years old. Advertising student at Casper Libero. Passionate about books and travelling. Events producer at HC since aug'22.