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The New Logic of Industry: Get to Know More About Sustainable Fashion

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Casper Libero chapter.

At times of environmental awareness, discussions about the production of fashion industry have more space and relevance at the topics debated by the contemporary society. The concern with environmental and social questions encouraged the changes over the profiles of the final consumer and originated the beginning of a new production logic, that aims to respect the ecosystem and the people that are involved in the process of manufacturing. 

The new demands of a conscious and knowledgeable consumer generated the increase in the search for accessories and clothes that have a certificate at the bases of sustainability, with the following statements: 

  • The utilization of organic fibers;
  • The utilization of eco-friendly fabric;
  • Maximum recovery of materials;
  • Recycling 

Sustainable fashion was transformed into a new way of production and consuming fashion by the correct and ecological techniques – and social responsibility. The consciousness that our actions are directly related with the environment and the consumers’ manifestation are related to the consumption logic, push up the movement, that defends manufacturing models that are aligned with the natural cycle of the ecosystem and innovative people. 

Sustainable stores in Brazil

In Brazil, fashion is the reflection of new times and thoughts. The desire of people to transform their wardrobe relation propitiated the outbreak of stores with the sustainable concept – that prioritize decelerated production and the maximum recovery of materials that minimize the effects that degradation of the environment. Some examples are the “brechós” (resale shops), stores with cooperative concepts, craft production and stores that rent and exchange clothes and accessories.

Slow Fashion

Quite the contrary of fast fashion, the slow fashion movement prioritizes the conscious and the ethic of the products’ fabrication system, stimulating the decrease of consumption, the increase of quality and durability of the merchandising and the minimization of environmental and social impacts. Besides that, this category motivates the handmade production, which is local and decelerated.

Brazilian stores that follows the concept of Sustainable Fashion and Slow Fashion

  • Mais Alma
  • Insecta Shoes
  • Gioconda
  • Tiê
  • The Concpet

Capsule Wardrobe

The concept of capsule wardrobe was created at the 1970’s by the British Susie Faux. However, it took great proportions after the choice of an American blogger to pick a limited quantity of pieces of clothes from her closet to use and make a range of combinations during a few months. 

The conjecture of the concept is to take advantage of all versatile pieces of clothes from your wardrobe, to discover new combinations and styles, to optimize your time, and, the main objective, to economize.

You can make a bet on creativity and on references to put up your capsule wardrobe and your new looks.

Photos: Pinterest

Translation: Anna Beatriz Oliveira

Giovanna Pascucci

Casper Libero '22

Estudante de Relações Públicas na Faculdade Cásper Líbero que ama animais e falar sobre séries.