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Natiruts’ last dance: Get to know this Brazilian group that announced its last tour

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Casper Libero chapter.

Will the band Natiruts stop playing? Are they going to live on the beach? But why are they doing this to us? And why “Leve com você”? These are good questions…

What do you mean you don’t know Natiruts?

The Brazilian band was formed in Porto Alegre, in 1996. Their lyrics cover themes such as love, nature, and spirituality; they gained great prominence with the songs “Me Namora” and “Sou Rei”. Mixing musical elements such as reggae and rock, the Brazilians have won a legion of fans over the years. Who has never heard: “Quero Ser Feliz Também”, “Andei Só” and “Natiruts Reggae Power”? If you don´t know it, take a moment and feel the energy of the sound, letting it carry you…

In a video posted on the band’s social media, the members said they believe they have already fulfilled their mission with fans, touching their hearts for over three decades. So, now would be the time to begin a new phase in this great cycle: to be reborn in different ways.

Alexandre Carlo and Luís Maurício were the remaining members of the band’s original formation. Before the group was called Natiruts, its first name was “Nativus”. However, they had to respond in court when it was charged, by a band from Santa Catarina called “Os Nativos”. It is worth mentioning that, after many struggles, Natiruts grew worldwide, gaining fame in Portugal and being the first Brazilian group to debut in the famous Times Square in New York!

In an interview with “Rádio Rock” Maurício reports the incredible feeling of having great recognition abroad. He says: “I think it was a legacy that we built little by little across Latin America, Europe, the United States and Australia.”

The success was so great that they were almost the most listened to abroad, behind none other than Tom Jobim. They didn’t come to play on duty!

The last tour

The group is planning what the last tour will be like, with older songs, “b-sides” and top hits present in the performances; also, some unexpected elements, many surprises, and a different setting, which contributes to the atmosphere of these events and makes them unique.

To end this cycle, the song “Leve com Você” (2002) was chosen to give the tour its name, as it can represent the band’s energy, arguing that endings should not be synonymous with sadness. Without a doubt, the band will be missed. Its unique reggae style and inspirational messages have earned it a dedicated fan base who will certainly continue to love and support the band even after the tour ends.

This is not the end, so let’s not give in a sad goodbye. Instead, let us just say… see you later!


The article above was edited by Ana Beatriz Aith and translated by Julia Tortoriello.

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Fabíola Pujol

Casper Libero '24

Claro, vamos tornar isso mais pessoal: Olá! Sou a Fabi, uma estudante de Publicidade apaixonada por me manter atualizada e comunicativa. Estou sempre buscando oportunidades de aprendizado e me qualificando através de diversos cursos. Já tive a experiência de trabalhar em áreas como mídias sociais, onde pude explorar minha criatividade e habilidades de comunicação. Estou determinada a evoluir ainda mais e alcançar novos patamares em minha carreira.