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Mother’s Day: Meet 2 Journalists Who Successfully Conciliate Motherhood And Their Job Routine

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Casper Libero chapter.

Today, in honor of Mother’s Day, Her Campus brought two inspiring stories of Journalists who conciliate their crazy lifestyles with motherhood.

Journalism is a profession that requires to always have your life on hold because you never know when a new headline may come about. From running around on the street, to gather information, to sitting in the newsroom and making sure what you wrote is flawless. Being a journalist does not leave you a lot of free time. With all that this hectic work brings, the question is: How can journalists conciliate their job with motherhood?

We all know that women have superpowers, and the two that I most admire are, being able to multitask and be creative with everything. So it’s definitely no secret that women in the journalism area are able to do their job successfully and at the same time fulfill their dreams of being a mom. Today in honor of all battling moms who deserve a full on recognition, I have brought two stories of amazing women who learned a long the way how to conciliate their job with motherhood.

A blog that I originally found on instagram called Versão Mãe has articles about moms and kids, with stories (about her and other mothers whom she interviews), tips and even a kids friendly space. Through the blog I learned more about the story of Dani Maia, mother of Tom.

Dani studied history in college but never wanted to be a teacher, so then when she learned her passion to communicate she became a journalist with a specialty in the politics area. She worked at many great places in the Brazilian journalism industry, for example, Rede Globo.

Five years ago her life changed when her dream of becoming a mother came true. As she asked herself how to find time to be an independent woman who is still professionally active and taking care of her son, she found a way to still do what she loves and concretize another dream. Her dream was to be able to talk and write about maternity and its difficulties, to show the sweet and the sour of being a mom.

With her blog she can still do what she loves at home, being a mom and a journalist.

The last story is one that is just as inspiring. I interviewed our teacher at Casper Líbero, Michelle Prazeres. Just like any other mom in the beginning she took her maternity leave and later on put her kids in day care in order to work. But now a days Michelle has taken a new approach to life. With her project Desacelera SP she makes good time choices and lives a more slow life in relation to the city of São Paulo. According to her “…the project was born of this necessity that maternity brings for us to establish another relation with time.”

Image​ Source: Personal Archive

Like any other mother to her having a son made her always want to be near him to not miss anything, because of that she established a different relation with all the things she does and started to prioritize more and distribute her time in a different way. She obtained this different lifestyle by doing something called temporal awareness, when you study your time and redistribute it in a more fitting way so you can actually be present all the time and enjoy. Michelle now says more no and less yes, so that the things she accepts doing she does with an enjoyable presence.

Our Journalism teacher choose to go against the natural course of earth and of journalism, the fast and furious, and decided to go on a path of slow and calm. With those choices she decided to decrease on her consume so she will be able work less and have more time to spend with her boys Miguel (8) and Chico (3). This amazing woman concludes saying: “… my mind and ways can change in the future and the way I do things is not a formula that has to be followed because every maternity path is different”.

happy, outgoing and a journalism student! for any contact: juliana.r.florido@gmail.com
Giovanna Pascucci

Casper Libero '22

Estudante de Relações Públicas na Faculdade Cásper Líbero que ama animais e falar sobre séries.