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Misci Is In The Spotlight! Do You Know This Brazilian Fashion Brand?

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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Casper Libero chapter.

If I ask you to name a famous fashion brand nowadays, you are likely to answer a European or American one, right? What about Brazilian designer clothing? I don’t blame you, historically we tend to think that foreign products are much better than the ones from our country. However, I can guarantee you: that many fashion brands deserve your attention and Misci is certainly one of them!

Getting To Know The Brand

Created in 2018 by Airon Martin, Misci not only sells clothes and accessories; it also designs furniture. A curious fact is that the brand was presented as a final paper by its creator, who studied Design at IED – Istituto Europeo di Design, in Sao Paulo. Airon was born in Sinop, a city of Mato Grosso (Brazilian central-western state) and he was raised by his mother, aunts, and grandmother. This female environment always inspired him to create fashion pieces that he imagined these women wearing. 

Misci is titled as a brand that communicates Brazilianness and regionality through its designs and its focus is to value our country’s diversity. The brand is a result of the designer’s family roots mixture in Ceará and Paraíba since its name is from the Brazilian word Miscigenação, which means miscegenation in English. 

In an interview with Nossa UOL, Airon revealed his desire to create a sense of appreciation for national fashion: “The design is beyond the tropical prints, Brazil deserves to be recognized internationally for our true diversity”.  In addition, the brand prioritizes a sustainable production process by using only national raw materials. According to Misci’s website, it is informed that the leather and the fabrics, such as viscose, and cotton, are under very strict supervision. Also, the brand is part of the project “Frete Neutro”, which means that all the charge transport has its CO2 emission quantified, contributing to a lower impact on the environment.

Misci’s Powerful Storytelling

Furthermore, the brand is known for translating popular Brazilian aspects into luxurious clothing pieces. In past collections, it reshaped cultural images, such as the colors yellow and green from Brazil’s flag, plastic bar tables, and chairs displayed in the runaway, or clothes printed with common dinner snacks such as hamburgers, fries, and coke.

For sure, Misci’s storytelling is one of the biggest highlights of national fashion! In every collection, Airon manages to create an aesthetic that not only includes the clothes but also the whole environment (runaway decoration and soundtrack). Using the last collection Tenda Tripa as an example, the brand presented 65 outfits that referred to identity and nationalist feelings.

Contradicting any stereotype, the designer wanted to bring a closer look into Brazil’s countryside. “In Brazil, cultural and artistic events are commonly organized in tents, and this is how the name of the collection is formed. Tents are simple structures, but with meaning and representation of deep strength and resistance to remain standing — Tenda Tripa symbolizes the effort to transform adversities into culture and knowledge and an attentive look at rich narratives that resist the excesses of modernity”, said Airon through a press release. In an interview for Glamour Brasil, he revealed why he chose the name Tenda Tripa, translated as Gut Tent in English: “Gut is about being visceral. From the guts of the heart”.

Celebrating the richness of Brazilian culture, the collection included accessories and boots that referred to the famous “vaquejadas”; clothes with embroidered map designs and rubber pieces.

The Most Famous Items

Despite having only been in the fashion business for six years, Misci sold some iconic items that you have probably already seen a celebrity wearing.

Mátria Brasil Cap

When Rosalía came to Brazil, she was seen wearing the cap “Mátria Brasil”, a yellow and green accessory that was part of the Summer 2023 Collection. The piece reinvents the expression “Pátria Brasil” and it was sold out after its launch.

Popcorn Shirt

The silk shirt has popcorn print all over its fabric, referring to corn, a staple food in Brazilian culture. 

Bolsa Galão

Inspired by the automotive aesthetic from the 70s, the bag looks like a gas gallon. According to the brand’s website, it costs around R$3.480,00 (Brazilian currency).

Brinco Volante

Being part of a collaboration with the designer Carlos Penna, this hoop earring is inspired by vintage wheels and it is made of copper with brass plate. 

Popular Among Celebrities

Rosalía is not the only foreign celebrity seen with Misci accessories. The journalist and TV hostess Oprah Winfrey bought three bags from the brand when she was visiting Brazil for an event. It is estimated that the American spent around R$7.000 on this purchase. The model chosen by her was the Bambolê bag. Thanks to the repercussions, Misci had six times more access to the website than usual. The brand is in the spotlight and this is just the beginning!

I don’t know about you, but I’m looking forward to the next steps of Misci!


The article above was edited by Clarissa Palácio.

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Larissa Buzon Cardoso

Casper Libero '26

Journalism student who loves writing. I am keen on fashion, music, art and TV series.