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Make Up for Our Everyday Busy Life

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Casper Libero chapter.

We all know that a collegiette’s life is not easy. Besides university classes, many of us have an internship and at the end of the day, and all we want to do is to relax or have some fun at the happy hour or at a party. However, what should we do about the makeup (since it has to stick all day and work well for every occasion)?

Well, here are some tips about make up for a very busy life.

Bruna Fadel, a freshmen student at Radio, TV and Internet major at Cásper Líbero, is a great example of working student. She works at a very big and fancy company from 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. and goes to college at night. What does she do with the make up so it can work well in different places? She said that, besides the basics (like foundation e powder) she uses a light eye shadow, usually pink or brown, mascara, a light pink lipstick and blush.

The tip of the light colors in the makeup is very good, because it is always a great fit for every occasion, especially during the day. So brown, beige, light pink, white and nude colors are good bets for your look.

If you are not a big fan of eye shadows, you can go with the eyeliner: cat style or not, it’s always a good call.

The mascara and the lipstick are a must have! They fit in on every look or occasion. Sometimes you can just use them and that’s enough.

Júlia Pegado, also freshmen at Radio & TV course, works at events at a communication company. There she’s only obligated to use make up in reunions, and that’s when she uses mascara, blush, light lipstick and black or white eyeliner in the waterline, dismissing foundation and powder.

The tip of the white eyeliner in the waterline is great, because it makes you look more awake and ready to work.

Pegado, going to college, likes to take of the blush, but when she goes out at night, she likes to change lipstick and put a darker one and use eyeliner black or purple.

We can see that mascara and lipstick are a must have! They fit in on every look or occasion. Sometimes you can just use them and that’s enough.

For party time you can always switch lipsticks and go for a darker color, like red or purple. To pop out the eyes, you can pass eyeliner on the water line. It’s going to look very chic.

To complete the makeup, talking about the beginning of it, it’s a good idea if you use the primer before passing make up, so it will stick better and last for the whole day, just like you need it.

Radio and TV student at Casper Libero and lover of the seventh art, Marcela belives love is the answer for a better world. But, while the world is still a caos, she belives in the little things that make us happy and remind us the greatness of life, like good films, Jake Bugg and french fries.
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Bárbara Muniz

Casper Libero

Bárbara Muniz is a Journalism student and Theather lover. Half journalist, half artist, totally feminist. Hufflepuff placed, sagittarian and vegetarian. Cásper Líbero University's Charpter co-correspondent and editor-in-chief. Intern in a Brazilian broadcast channel called BandNews TV, where she works among production for newscast and social media.