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London Fashion week 2024: check out the men’s collections that deserve a spotlight

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Casper Libero chapter.

Increasingly, men’s fashion has received the spotlight it deserves. With looks that break away from the basics and explore different fabrics and colors, the brands have presented innovations that are revolutionizing this market. Fashion weeks have a great role in this growth since brands have an exclusive space to show their collections, which usually become trends.

With the beginning of June, London kicks off the spring-summer 2024 season, and some shows have already stood out in the public eye. Check out the highlights of the season:

Martine Rose

Favorite of Drake and Kendrick Lamar, the brand´s show had a strong social purpose, celebrating the subcultures of London, it was set in St Joseph’s Community Centre in Highgate. The event happened on a Sunday evening and the clothes definitely made a statement. The designer said that she loves men in women’s clothes – “It’s things that I’ve played with a long time. And I think it’s a real proposition.”

Furthermore, the tailored jackets with an oversized look and gigantic coats, often appropriated from work-wear and sports-wear, marked the show. Martine Rose explains later that she doesn’t like when things look new – “There’s a kind of make-do-and-mend—like denim we patched with gaffer tape”. And like a classic of all London’s fashion week, the androgynous look was present in the menswear collection. 

Brett Johnson

Getting into the quiet luxury trend, this collection was the epiphany of chic neutrals. Vests, blazers and tailored short sleeve shirts were all you could see in this classic and timeless collection. Ensuring the brand’s promise of elevating your everyday closet in a refined and comfortable way was one of the looks’ goals, which was definitely achieved. The collection has not yet been made available on video, but you can check out some of last season’s pieces below or visit Vogue’s website to see more from

Saul Nash

This Spring collection brought in the sandy feeling of the summer (quite literally, because that was the set of the show). Shorts, speedos, scuba suits and marine blue were present heavily on the runaway, and the inspiration of the designer was the Mauritius Island. With the name “Intersections”, the collection viewed a connection between his Mauritian side, something he wouldn’t discover until later in life – “I didn’t grow up with so much of my Mauritian side, but when I went, I noticed how many intersections there were between the cultures—the music is very similar, the kind of melting pot of cultures felt familiar”, Saul said. 


The article above was edited by Mariana do Patrocínio. 

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Sofia Bianco

Casper Libero '26

hi! i'm a future journalist who loves fashion, coffee, and good music!