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Let The Fashion Month Happen All Year: The Main Trends At The Catwalks

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Casper Libero chapter.

I believe that everyone who loves fashion (like myself) is at least a little bit obsessed with Fashion Month (the union of all “fashion weeks” that happens twice a year). For the ones who aren’t familiar with these events, the simplest way to explain is that during a period at the end and at the beginning of the year there are weeks dedicated to expose big and smaller names of the fashion industry by showing their art on the runways. The 4 main “fashion weeks” out there happen in Paris, New York, London and Milan, but we can’t ignore the smaller ones such as the São Paulo Fashion Week, Miami Swim Week, etc.

After 2 years when the events were online because of the Covid-19 epidemic, this year came with big expectative and excitement. Because of that I consider it essential to talk about the main trends that appeared on the catwalks.


Let’s start with beauty beyond clothes. Makeup was used as such a fun and glamorous way to complement the looks. There were a lot of vibrant colors (especially in the eyes area) as graphic liners, a whole eyeshadow look or even a spot of color on the inner corner. Besides that we were able to see way more of a natural face look and, of course, gems and crystals to compose the eye look (something that has been trending for sometime now, after the appearance in the show “Euphoria”). 


In the hair “session” I point to main hairstyles on the catwalks: the wet hair look (Fendi, Giambattist Valli, Nensi Dojaka and Valentino) and the use of hair clips in minimalist ways (Fendi and Chanel).

shoes and bags

In the shoes and bags area, things were different and exciting. There was nothing more present in the catwalks than boots, especially the   “over the knee” ones. Meanwhile there were an excessive amount of different bags, such as the “glass bags” by Coperni.


Hair, makeup and accessories are essential, but the main show was focused on clothes, so let’s talk about it. Powerful and vibrant colors were also really present. Two awesome examples of it are: the many shades of pink used by Valentino and the vibrant shades (especially green and blue) shown by Jacquemus. We also did see a lot of the “power shape” (quite the opposite of the “oversized”) both in the feminine (like Versace’s corsets) and the masculine collections.

Talking now about texture, we can’t deny the clear rise of: leather, feathers, shearling and transparent fabrics. Although they are all used with different purposes, they were all used in collections where the “futuristic” inspiration was clear (“the future is now” has been a very used inspiration to stylists).


The last but not least trend that I want to talk about, are the low rise pants, skirts and shorts. When people saw that this really popular trend in the 2000’s was coming back to life, there were really different opinions coming with it. My objective here is not to discuss polemics or to dictate what’s pretty and what is not, but something has to be said: most of the time the problem is not about it being low rise, but the fact that society claims that showing our bellies in public without being extremely thin isn’t beautiful (which, by the way, is an terrible lie).

So those were some of the spotted trends found during the “Fashion Month”. Now it’s time for you to choose if they are part of your style and if in fact they are, to start using and abusing them.


The article above was written by Gabriela Travizzanutto and edited by Lívia Carvalho

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Se eu pudesse mudar a vida das pessoas usando as palavras assim como eu mudei a minha… Ah, peraí, eu posso (ou posso pelo menos tentar). Em meio a vários características – feminista, meio patricinha de São Paulo, geminiana, apaixonada por moda, obcecada por poemas e algumas outras- prometo tirar o maior proveito de todas elas para tentar alcançar um mundo mais cheio de respeito e amor.