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Medicine cabinet packed full of skincare products
Medicine cabinet packed full of skincare products
Megan Charles / Her Campus Media
Style > Beauty

How to improve your skincare? Here are 8 steps you must add to your daily routine!

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Casper Libero chapter.

Skincare has been talked about way more and has become common sense nowadays.

Not only does it influence a lot on our self-esteem and the way we see ourselves, but we’re always looking for a way to improve our skincare with tips and products that will improve our skin health. 

In an interview with the dermatologist Dr. Eliandre Palermo, here I come to tell you 8 tips that many people don’t say about what is missing to fit: 

The “Whitish” Sunscreen is your Best Option

When you apply sunscreen and it fades, the layer you put on is too thin. To have the necessary barrier of protection, we need a product that sticks to the skin, and most formulations require a more “whitish” product.

Sunscreens with Colors

The color sunscreens are the best option because they create a physical barrier on your skin by associating the chemical with the filter and makeup, even protecting it from visible light. Dark spots and skin cancer are related to this radiation, and the makeup helps you to know if you’re protected because the moment you see a dark spot it indicates that it is time to reapply more sunscreen.

Acne-Prone products

For this condition, products with drying agents are the best option. You should always choose products that contain retinoic acid, retinol, threonine, adapalene, benzoyl peroxide, azelaic acid and mandelic acid.

For Acne-Prone skin, it’s not just about applying Acid

Acneic Skin requires greater care, which is why it is extremely important to apply anti-acne after hydration. In these cases, apply a light moisturizer, serum with moisturizer or oil-free moisturizer, and then apply the anti-acne product. It’s important to follow this order to protect your skin’s barrier.

around your and around your mouth

From a certain age onwards, eye, and mouth treatment becomes more special. But what few people know is that the same product you use for your eyes can be used for your mouth, as they are designed not to irritate these sensitive areas. However, It is important not to use high formulation glycolic acid around the eyes, mouth, and nose. In these areas, there is always a special product for the eyes!!

UVA rays also Deserve our Attention

 Many times, before we buy sunscreen, we only worry about the UVB factor, not even knowing that we also need to worry about the UVA factor. The UVB rays are related to burns, and the UVA is related to dark spots, aging, and the oncological part.  Most sunscreens that are considered blockers have a very high violet A protection index. For you to ensure that your sunscreen is considered a blocker, the filter that is indicated with UVB protection 50, 70, and 100, needs to have 1/3 of ultraviolet protection A, 30%. So, from now on, every time you go buy sunscreen, always pay attention to the protection index UVA.

Invest in a good Serum!

There are several ways to use a serum, which can be for balance or treatment with antioxidants, vitamin C, or hyaluronic acid. And if your skin needs any special treatment, some whitening active ingredient can be added to the serum, as recommended by your dermatologist.

Facial Soaps aren’t as simple as they used to be

Taking care of our skin starts with soap, if you have oily or combination skin you should look for soaps with drying active ingredients, and for dry skin, a soap with moisturizing active ingredients and little degreasing. On the other hand, if you have normal skin, the best option is a neutral soap.


The article above was edited by Giovanna Rodrigues.

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My name is Larissa Vilapiano Prais, I'm 18 years old and I'm a journalism student at Cásper Líbero college. My passion is writing, and as a hobbie I have running.