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How To Learn To Draw By Yourself: Tips, Online Courses & Accounts To Be Inspired By

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Casper Libero chapter.

Learning something, especially in the artistic area, can be extremely funny. Although it takes time and patience, it is an awesome way to exercise your creativity and distract yourself. Therefore, here is some information that may help you through your learning path. Check all these tips out in the list below!

Tips to enhance your drawing skills

To get more accurate information, we interviewed the illustrator and cartoonist Mary Cagnin (@marycagnin), who gave four important pieces of advice for people who want to start or develop their drawings abilities.

watercolor heart
stux via Pixabay

  • Persist and practice as much as possible: This is Mary’s main tip for the beginners. She emphasizes that is extremely important to exercise your drawing abilities, especially in the starting, and that is essential to keep trying even when your sketches don’t go as you imagined. Don’t give up on the first try!
  • Don’t compare your art to others! : Mary reminds that everyone has its own time. Therefore, don’t compare yourself to others since it will only bring you frustrations. Having inspirations is very important in the artistic area, but don’t mistake it for evaluating your art based on the other’s criterion.

  • What is the best material for learners? : She recommends starting with what is available to you and, only after some time, to buy professional or specific materials. Hence, you don’t keep yourself unmotivated because of not having specialized tools.

  • Study the drawing foundation: Mary highlights that a great way to begin the learning process is to study the foundations of drawing, which you can do by reading books, watching YouTube or Instagram tutorials or signing up for an online course.

Online courses

Taking online courses can help you to learn how to draw. Here is a list of some incredible drawing and painting courses that you can find just googling it!

Woman Typing on Laptop
Startup Stock Photos

  • Faber-Castell

    The art material’s brand not only has great supplies but also provides some amazing online courses, for all the students, since beginners until advanced ones. You can either buy one isolated course or a combo with multiples classes that embraces a whole technic (for example “How to create your character”). You can check up prices and more information on their site.

  • ABRA (Academia Brasileira de Arte)

    The Brazilian Art Academy (ABRA) has presential courses for those who are from São Paulo and online ones for those who live outside of the city. Their virtual classes are for anyone that has an interest in the artistic and design area. For more information about the courses and their prices, you can access their site.

  • Skillshare

    Skillshare is a site with hundreds of different online courses about the artistic area. The full service requires a Premium Membership, in which you pay monthly and it gives you complete access to all the classes – that you can even watch offline. However, the free account also offers many interesting classes, and informations about all of them are available on the website.

  • YouTube tutorials

    If you can’t afford paying online courses, you can always look for classes on YouTube. In the free platform you can find excellent tutorials, for beginners or advanced levels. So, what are you waiting for to start learning?

Instagram accounts to be inspired by

During the learning process it is important to keep yourself inspired. Here are some amazing profiles of artists that will serve as an incentive for you:

woman oil painting on canvas
Photo by Jade Stephens on Unsplash


The article above was edited by Helena Cardoso

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Hello! My name is Giovanna, I am 20 years old and I am from São Paulo. I love to write and always use all of my creativity in it! Hope you have enjoyed my articles!
Giovanna Pascucci

Casper Libero '22

Estudante de Relações Públicas na Faculdade Cásper Líbero que ama animais e falar sobre séries.