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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Casper Libero chapter.

Throughout the years I have been a fan of many things, of course, some of them were really just a phase, but some stuck for life, and in each case, it all helped shape my personality and influenced different aspects of my life.

To begin with, I definitely have to thank my “fangirl persona” for my career choice. Let me explain, like many people, I was completely lost in high school and didn’t know what career to choose, but that was when I started looking more into journalism, I realized that in many aspects of this profession I could work talking about things that I love, like music, singers, tv shows, concerts, etc. Besides, I have to give some credit to a few shows I love, after all, who wouldn’t want to be a journalist after watching Gilmore Girls and The Bold Type.

Of course, life is not all about work and academics, and I can’t deny that my idols did have an impact on my hobbies as well. As I started liking singers and bands, I also developed a connection with music and decided I was going to try playing something, that was when I picked up my father’s guitar and tried to play a few chords, after all, my all-time favorite singer, Shawn Mendes, learned it on YouTube, so why couldn’t I? So I can say that being a fangirl impacted immensely my closeness to music and pushed me to develop one of my favorite pastimes. 

Not to mention how it also affected my passion for going to concerts, nothing compares to this experience, getting stressed out while trying to buy tickets, waiting for hours in line, meeting new people and finally seeing your favorite artist perform live. I feel like this is one of the best parts of being a fan, feeling like you belong in a community, whether online or waiting for the gates of a show to open, you can make new friends and meet new people who love the same thing as you. There is no other feeling that can express waiting for months to see who you love performing and that day finally arrives.

To sum up, being a fan of something had a huge impact on who I am. I became friends with people I would never imagine getting to know, I got to make amazing memories with my best friends and family while being in concerts of people that I love and I was able to choose a career where I can truly talk about things I like, all of this because I have idols who made an influence in my life. With that said, I know being a fan is not for everybody, and a lot of people will keep believing it is just a waste of time, but I do hope it is understandable how being a fangirl is not just being crazy about something but it can actually make life so much better.


The article above was edited by Isa Mucilo.

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Maria Esther Cortez

Casper Libero '25

Journalism student. Passionate about culture, movies, art and music. I love to travel and explore different parts of the world.