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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Casper Libero chapter.

We are already in April, but it was just at 6h53 PM of the last 20th day that the year started according to astrology. The end of March was marked by the return of the Sun to the Aries sign, the first one of the zodiac, which represents a complete turn of the star and the beginning of 2019. With the transition of the Jupiter’s regency, a planet that taught us a lot about rationality in the face of our possessions in general, Mars takes control within a very intense period.

Gif Source: Giphy

As in every beginning of cycle, it is important to be grateful for all the learnings that the year of 2018 provided us, to be able to take the feet of the ground and act! That is the perfect moment to solve all the poorly resolved issues in our lives, especially the ones we always prefer to postpone. So, in 2019, maybe that friendship that you have been pushing with the belly or that relationship that only hurts you will come to an end.

Gif Source: Giphy

The active posture required by Mars is a result of the Aries life drive, and because of it, people with the Sun in this zodiac sign tend to feel all this energy much more intensely. Besides that, it is interesting to analyze in which house we have this zodiac sign in our astrology chart and understand what aspects of our lives need attention in 2019.

Along the Red Year, we must have to double our attention to avoid accidents, especially those involving fire. Impulsive and aggressive attitudes can also be a problem. Cases involving justice will also be favored this year.

From now on, be ruled by the planet that opens the zodiac, which demonstrates the power of our individuality. We need to analyse our goals and get them out off the paper. More than that: it’s essential that we take responsibility for our choices!

Source: Giphy

May you have a happy new year!

Karolina Pestrin

Casper Libero

Giovanna Pascucci

Casper Libero '22

Estudante de Relações Públicas na Faculdade Cásper Líbero que ama animais e falar sobre séries.