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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Casper Libero chapter.

Right now, Mariana Gonzalez considers herself really similar to Belle, the Disney princess: loves to read, is a bit strange, but cool and urban. Current Journalism student representative, Mari is a real celebrity at Cásper. Want to know more about her? See what she told to Her Campus:

Name: Mariana Gonzalez

Age: 18

Sign: Capricorn

Course: Journalism

Year: 2017

Sexual preference: Boys and girls

Status: Single

Interests: reading, Latin America, Social Journalism

Is it true that you always thought you were Sagittarius? Tell us this history. I was born in December 21th, that’s the last day of Sagittarius. I’ve never believed in horoscope, because it was hard for me to identify myself in it. Sagittarian people are free, travelers and venturous. I’m too realistic to be Sagittarius. When I started to work at Núcleo Editorial, one year ago, I met a friend who is extremely connected to astrology. She made my astrology chart and discovered that the signs changed one hour before I was born, so I’m Capricorn. Everything started to make sense in my life since then!

Which journalistic projects have you been involved in?Recently I’ve participated of “Jornalismo Sem Fronteiras”, a project that send students to Buenos Aires so they can act like international correspondents. It was really interesting, because I have a strong relation with Latin America, especially Buenos Aires. Besides that, I’m volunteer at Revista Ocas: I manage their site and search for information.

As a reporter, do you have any favorite experience you could share with us?My favorite one is about Edifício União, the first residential occupation here in Brazil that has earned legally the chance of being occupied. to be. It was an amazing experience, because the dwellers are really proud of their resistance that took 20, 30 years. They have finished the building and weren’t involved in any landless movement. It’s a poor building, but gave me the notion of what I want to do: Social Journalism.

What do you like most about Cásper?I like Núcleo Editorial (the college organ responsible for the magazines produced by the students). I’m suspicious, because I work there, but I like the place: it’s a really free space. At Cásper, we have the opportunity to participate of a lot of things, such as Esquinas magazine, the TV show, Edição Extra and the university radio. That’s what I consider the best about Cásper.

Do you have a dream job?I have always thought about working at Editora Abril, but now I see that the market is complicated and big companies are closing. It’s a bit utopian, but I do think that everything is in our hands now. We will need to work a lot more than the last generations, of course, but there are so many transformations that I realize we need to create what we want. The internet is here to show a lot of new possibilities in Journalism. So I don’t know yet what would be my dream job: I only know that I love Social Journalism.

You are the current Journalism student representative. How is this experience going?By now, nothing really happened. People look for me to talk about problems with teachers, I’ve participated of a couple of meetings, but it’s still calm.

Keep talking about college, everyone is worried about having enough time to accomplish all the responsabilites. Do you have any tips for time-management?Buy an agenda! I tell that to everyone. The tip is to note everything with different colors, putting the specific time you’ll need for each thing. With this technique, you’ll know all your activities and free-times. There’s an app called Wunderlist that saves my life! I use it to work, to do activities from Cásper and for my personal life.

If you were to become famous, what would be your favorite and least favorite part of being in the public eye?I hate cameras, so it would have to be filmed all the time. However, considering the positive side, interacting with a lot of people and talking to them would be really nice.

Which is your favorite celebrity and why?I think it would be Dascha Polanco, Daya from Orange is the New Black. She is Latin and I really appreciate her slangs. And also Yoko Ono because she was part of a lot of interesting stuff.

19 years old Journalism student at Cásper Líbero, I am passionate about being a reporter. HC Cásper Líbero Campus reporter, I love interviewing, writing about people stories and learning new stuff. Born in São Paulo, I can't imagine living somewhere out of here. Maybe I like the crazyness of this town. 
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Alana Claro

Casper Libero '17

Alana is a Senior in Cásper Líbero University, majoring in Journalism. She is President of Casper Libero's Chapter and an intern in a Corporate Communications firm. Born and raised in Sao Paulo, where she speaks Portuguese, although English is her ever-lasting love. Alana is a proud Slytherin and INTJ.