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Effects Of Coronavirus Quarantine On Graduation

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Casper Libero chapter.

The coronavirus pandemic has come at a crucial time in the lives of many people. Starting the first semester of 2020 confined, isolated and in quarantine, was not in the plans of many people, especially young university students. Many universities have had to suspend their face-to-face classes to maintain the health of employees, teachers and students in good condition.

This sudden change meant that new methods had to be adopted; one of them, and the main one, is online classes. This is a resource that some universities already contained, but not all of them used it frequently or did not even have virtual classes. This caused many universities and students to rethink this idea and had to relocate the entire school year.

In an interview, some students from several universities in Brazil and abroad presented their opinions regarding the effects of quarantine under these classes. All respondents said that they were having classes online, but not everyone is satisfied due to difficulties in adapting to online programs, organizing assignments and even the lack of organization of teachers in what content they need to present in classes as they adapt to the environment of new teaching method. “I believe that the most difficult of these distance classes is quality. The connection often falls, teachers are unable to be connect and use the platforms, there is no way to produce jobs effectively and the most difficult of all is to be able to pay attention”, said Silchya, a 4-year student of Journalism at Cásper Libero College.

In addition to these difficulties, other students found good results in these classes. “The classes are being taught with the same frequency as in the main classes and the same content planned by the teachers. Not having to spend time commuting from place to place ends up leaving more time to study and organize” says Sofia, a first year Law student at FGV University in São Paulo. “The effort of teachers and the entire institution to bring and make the best content for students visible”, concludes Michelle, a 4-year student of Journalism in FAPCOM.

The impact did not only affect students at Brazilian universities. Bruno Rodrigues, a second year student of Journalism at Union College, Kentucky (USA), said that the system adopted by teachers as a whole is good, but because it is online, it ends up having a lot of work to do than they usually are. Today, he returned to Brazil due to the closure of universities in the United States for use as medical centers for critically patients who have the virus.

And how was the situation of students who are in the last year of college and are doing the final completion work? Of course, for them all this change made it difficult for many of them to access and work, but they managed to find parallel resources to get the jobs done. “The TCC guidelines are online. I admit that I prefer face-to-face service, but so far no specific point has affected my plans. The only time I had the most problems was to conduct a survey with the public” said Beatriz Duarte, a fourth year student of Publicity at the Cásper Líbero College.

In the face of all these situations we see that it is not easy for anyone to deal with all these sudden changes. However, after a while, it is possible to organize and continue normally with studies, work and other activities. Just have calm, patience and organization that everything will work.


The article above was edited by Gabriela Sartorato.  

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Laura Lopes

Casper Libero '21

I’m a journalism student. I love read and write texts about everything! I like adventures and challenges. I’m always learning with life!
Giovanna Pascucci

Casper Libero '22

Estudante de Relações Públicas na Faculdade Cásper Líbero que ama animais e falar sobre séries.