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Darkest Parts Of A Mind: Into The Darkest Corner’s Review

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Casper Libero chapter.

Into The Darkest Corner is a suspense novel written by Elizabeth Haynes, a British writer known for books of this gender. The book was the first one that she finished writing, and it was inspired in her work as a police intelligence analyst.

“Into The Darkest Corner” is written in a way that makes it impossible for the reader to get tired. It starts talking about a girl trying to overcome some problems from the past, but to make the reader understands why she acts so awkwardly, some chapters are like some kind of a “diary” talking about what happened in the past and present. That way, in some point of the book, past and present meet.

Catherine, the main character of the book, used to be an ordinary girl with an ordinary life. However, as she meets Lee, everything changes. At first he was lovely, charming, perfect for her, but, as the days go by, she gets to know the real Lee – someone nobody would want to know.

As she gets rid of him, she has to deal with the devils he left behind and, just when she starts to get better, she receives a call that changes everything.

Elizabeth Haynes knows how to grab your attention in this book, and, the most important, she makes you open your eyes for a real problem that affects many women: domestic abuse.

Into The Darkest Corner therefore, is a disturbing book, but it a good way. It makes you think about things you could never imagine through a girl dealing with her troubles.

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Andressa Isfer

Casper Libero '18

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Bárbara Muniz

Casper Libero

Bárbara Muniz is a Journalism student and Theather lover. Half journalist, half artist, totally feminist. Hufflepuff placed, sagittarian and vegetarian. Cásper Líbero University's Charpter co-correspondent and editor-in-chief. Intern in a Brazilian broadcast channel called BandNews TV, where she works among production for newscast and social media.