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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Casper Libero chapter.
Who doesn’t love lipstick? Without any doubt, they are one of the most versatile beauty products. With this product, you can achieve so many styles just by using different colors and textures. Besides that, they are also the easiest product to apply. That means that even if you are a lazy person when it comes to makeup, you do not have any excuse to start using lipstick now!
So in order to get you to know better the makeup preferences from Cásper’s girls, I asked them which lipstick is their favorite ever. Here is the top 3.
1º: Ruby Woo, MAC
It seems that every place you go, Ruby Woo is always a preference. What is no surprise, considering it matches with many skin tones and have an amazing matte texture (something very important in a place with hot weather like Brazil).
2º: Diva, MAC
According to MAC, this is the lipstick that made the brand famous. No wonder it is the second favorite. Diva has a gorgeous deep red color that turns different on every person.
3º: Rebel and Hug Me, MAC
Number 3 is a beautiful burgundy to wear on those days when you want to look amazing. Even though Casperians absolutely love red lipstick, some of them prefer a lighter color. The nude Hug Me is the choice of the discrete girls.
To finish, here is a selection of some individual favorites, to remind us that we do not need to wear something just because everyone does.
Clara Riquena
Publicity & Advertisement
Flat Out Fabulous, MAC
Dafne Cantoia
Public Relations
Hermione, Tracta
Fernanda Figueredo
Publicity & Advertisement
Diva, MAC
Graziela Pedace 
Radio, TV & Internet
Nude Mate, Dermage 
Isabela Lourenço
Public Relations
Amorando, Quem disse, Berenice?
Laís Glaesser
Rivoli, Chanel
Thaís Lopes
Teddy Bear, Maybelline
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Bianca Gomes Costa

Casper Libero '18

21 year old Journalism student at Cásper Líbero and living in São Paulo. Here she is a beauty reporter. Her dream job would be Beauty Editor at Vogue or idealistically, be paid to travel around the world tasting different foods. 
Giovanna Pascucci

Casper Libero '22

Estudante de Relações Públicas na Faculdade Cásper Líbero que ama animais e falar sobre séries.