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Brazilian Media Wants to Know: Why Did Michelle Bolsonaro Receive R$89,000 From Fabrício Queiroz?

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Casper Libero chapter.

“Mr. President, why did Michelle Bolsonaro receive R$89,000 from Fabrício Queiroz?”. That was the question Brazilian people asked themselves on August 23, 2020. Condemned once again to a closed regime penalty, Fabrício Queiroz went back to being famous in the press. This time, however, because of a subject that draws even more attention: twenty one deposits he made over five years on Michelle Bolsonaro’s account.

But who is Fabrício Queiroz?

The former advisor and driver of Brazilian senator and state representative, Flávio Bolsonaro (Republicanos), Fabrício Queiroz and his wife, Márcia Oliveira de Aguiar, were condemned for their participation in a “rachadinha” scheme. Queiroz was sentenced to closed regime by the STJ (Superior Justice Tribunal), on August 13th,because of an unusual R$1,2 million transaction on his account. Queiroz was at large until June 18th, when he was found in Atibaia, in São Paulo, Brazil. He was inside the property of Frederick Wassef, Bolsonaro family lawyer. Márcia, his wife and also Flávio Bolsonaro’s ex-advisor, remains at large since her husband’s arrest.

Scheme or loan?

Queiroz’s involvement with the president’s family doesn’t stop there. According to “Crusoé” magazine and TV Globo, the first lady, Michelle Bolsonaro, received twenty one deposits from Queiroz, between 2011 and 2016, which totalizes R$72,000.  According to the apuration made by the TV broadcast “Jornal Nacional”, Márcia also contributed with the transactions, depositing more R$17,000 on the Brazilian first lady’s account. By that, Michelle Bolsonaro ended up receiving a total of R$89,000 and a question that was still not answered properly: why did she?  

Divergences on Bolsonaro’s speech 

The transfers from Fabrício Queiroz to Michelle presented divergences regarding the allegations made by the president, Jair Bolsonaro. As claimed by him, Queiroz would be paying a loan, but, according to the ex-advisor’s bank statement – that had it’s secrecy broken by the federal justice – there is no evidence of loans from the President. In an interview with the website “O Antagonista”, Bolsonaro claimed he and Queiroz were friends and, because of that, he lended him a certain amount of money. According to him, that was because his son Flavio was having some financial problems, even though the deposits were on Michelle’s name. “I could have put it on my account. It went to my wife’s because I don’t have time to go out. This is the history, nothing else. I don’t want to hide anything, it’s not our intention”, he declared.

“Mr. President, why did your wife receive R$89.000 from Fabrício Queiroz?”

Jair Bolsonaro, however, didn’t show himself open to conversation when questioned about this fact, during a press conference. The President, known by his aggressive behavior towards the press, collects, since his election, several “catchphrases” expressing his lack of decorum. Those range from a “Shut up”, directed to the news reporter Talita Fernandes, to a “I wish I could fill your mouth with punches”, directed to a reporter from the journal “O Globo”, when questioned about the R$89,000. Bolsonaro, who, at that moment, was in front of the Brasília’s Metropolitan Cathedral, ended up by calling the reporter “shameless”. The other reporters at the scene asked the politician, “Is it a threat, Mr. President?”, but Bolsonaro, who left the place right after, didn’t answer, adding to his government and to Brazil’s democracy one more of his “catchphrases”.   


The article above was edited by Giulia Gianolla.

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Letícia Keller

Casper Libero '23

Passionate about reading and writing, Letícia is a jornalism student at Faculdade Cásper Líbero. And, by being really interrested about political and cultural jornalism, she intends to focus her performance on these areas. Letícia is also very passionate about life, and she claims wanting to be successfull on her profession by being committed to the truth.