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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Casper Libero chapter.

Why can’t we be the most beautiful girls in the whole world just being, naturally, ourselves? Accept our dark circles, pimples, bristle, crooked teeth or whatever more. Is it real that society imposes standards, most of woman or people just accept it, and that is all right? Yes, it is. Perhaps we are just trying to camouflage inside scars and bruises with tons of makeup and stunning dresses. Let’s consider that last option.

We must believe that our smile is the eighth wonder of the world, maybe the most incredible thing made from stars. Think that as white as clouds, transpicuous, as a thermometer. However, it will not work alone, just with an awesome lipstick on. Brightness is not mere coverage, it has to be the whole you. It will just come through from your lips if things are adjusting, taking their way to be all right.

Our thoughts are nourishment to welfare. The way we conduct events during days, can dictate how the felling will be by tomorrow and how life is going to look to you. Smiling? If we try to be grateful and positive, certainly. There is not a mascara that can make us see good things on every little thing that happens. It is a daily exercise.

Educate our bodies and minds to focus on what really matter in the world, may seem hard. What we do not really know is that is harder if we try to do this with ourselves. Like a mirror. What do you see when you look within yourself? Is that what brings shine to your eyes, enthusiasm to your smile?

And if it is lost, let’s bring it back. There is not a living life that support black and white. All the aquarelle is ready to be washed, made, remade and corrected. Its cliché, but life really is a blank screen.



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Isabela Barbosa

Casper Libero

Giovanna Pascucci

Casper Libero '22

Estudante de Relações Públicas na Faculdade Cásper Líbero que ama animais e falar sobre séries.