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Baby Reindeer: Why You Should (Or Shouldn’​t) Watch The Miniseries

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Casper Libero chapter.

The new Netflix miniseries Baby Reindeer, which is in first place among streaming titles, tells the real story of Richard Gadd, a comedian who was a victim of a stalker for about three years. Richard, in addition to scripting the miniseries, played the main character – interpreting himself – Donny Dunn.

The Story

Martha (Jessica Gunning), the stalker, and Donny live in a twisted relationship, which at first seems just a sympathetic and needy friendship. The protagonist works as a comedian and bartender, and it was at the bar, where they met.

Donny revisits his past traumas, and things start to get out of control when the woman starts stalking not only him, but also his family, girlfriend and ex-girlfriend.

Jessica Gunning as Martha.

here’s Why you should watch it

As it is about a real case, the series shows in great detail how a stalker can stalk someone, which can serve as a warning for people who go through this and don’t realize it, and also as a warning of caution.

It is also shown how effective police work is at the first signs of a stalker, and how they should not be allowed to prolong their actions. The longer it takes, the more dangerous and threatening the case can become for the victim.

Teaser posted by Netflix on Instagram.

Trigger Warning

Even with warnings before the episodes, the series contains extremely strong scenes of sexual abuse, use of illicit drugs and stalking, which can be a trigger for many viewers who have already been through these situations, and also for those sensitive to this type of content.


The article above was edited by Manuela Miniguini.

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Júlia Cuqui

Casper Libero '27

Jornalista em formação e apaixonada pela Taylor Swift.