Aromatic candles are way more than just mere decoration props. Used as ornaments, ambient aromatizers and even for therapeutic purposes, such products have the power to change the energies in any given room and offer the sensation of well-being, as well as the feeling of relaxation to everyone who moves around in that space. The essence’s possibilities are diverse and are able to contemplate smelling families.
When you light the candles, they release in the environment the essential oils which were used during the production. The benefits delivered can vary depending on which stimulus is triggered, which can bring an easiness feeling, concentration, tranquility, focus, a better mood and can even work as anxiolytics and antidepressants.
Aura Candles was created by the 22 year old Publicity and Advertising student at Faculdade Cásper LĂbero, Giovanna Di Paula, and the 25 year old Economy student at FMU, Guilherme Garcia, by the custom both of them had of lightning an aromatic candle whenever they met. It was only when Giovanna left her old job that the idea of transforming this ritualistic practice into a business was born.
The brand’s main purpose is to bring out each person’s essence, by an “inside out” process, promoting internal connections and contributing to a self-care routine. According to Giovanna, this happens due to the fact that aromatic candles are not just candles, but also energy, cleansing, fond smelling memories and even to soothe.
In that way, there are many steps to be taken during the process of a good aromatic candle. The brand owners explain that the first step is to clean the recipients and insert the candle’s wick. After that, they calculate the amount of primary material that will be used, and with the help of a scale, calculate how much each product weighs. When that part is done, the wax is melted and mixtured with the essences. This last step of the process needs to be executed with a thermometer to measure the temperature so it doesn’t go over 80°C (176° F).
However, these special cares are not over once the mixture is done. In order to avoid any imperfection, the Aura Candles founders put the material into the recipients when it is still pre-heated. In sequence, the last step of the production process is the cure. At this moment, the product “rests” for at least 72 hours in a dark place. The entrepreneurs highlight that, the bigger the cure time is, the better the products are mixed, which enhances the candle’s exhalation. Afterwards, the candles are ready to be used!
As for the candle manipulation, there is an important tip to follow when avoiding “tunnels” in the product. As Giovanna Di Paula says, when lighting the aromatic candle for the first time, it is necessary to let it burn for 2 hours, in order to create a big pool of wax. Therefore, since candles have “burning memory”, the next time it is lit, the process is going to repeat itself.
Besides that, the aromatic candle’s sizes can vary according to the manufacturer. Aura Candless works with 3 sizes: 40g, 150g and 200g. Bigger candles are great options when you already know and like a certain scent. However, to enter this universe, a good recommendation is to order lots of smaller candles from different smells.
As for the fragrances, the store has available the candles of Lavanda Provence, Cafezinho (Coffee), Madeira do Oriente (Oriental Wood), Bamboo com alecrim (Bamboo with rosemary) and Baunilha (Vanilla). Each one of them brings out a different aroma and a unique sensation to whoever is in the surroundings, revealing the magic and charms of aromatic candles.
Do you want to know more about Aura Candles? Check out their Instagram profile and make your order!
This article above was translated by Fernanda de Andrade Silva and edited by Ysadhora Medeiros.
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