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And Once Again, It’s Not Only About Toys: “Toy Story 4” Review

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Casper Libero chapter.

Released in 1995, Toy Story was recognized as a precursor to Pixar’s future films and it was nominated for best original screenplay. The story happens in a world where toys have lives but humans don’t know it, has a rich plot full of striking characters, but the main ones, Sheriff Wood and Buzz Lightyear won the whole world for their friendship.

To everyone’s surprise, the story of the fourth movie no more focuses on their friendship or the relationship between toys and humans. Now, the plot centers in the individual evolution of each toy and it is exciting to follow this trajectory.

The fourth movie bring to us another polemic and reflexive final. Polemic because despite being a children’s movie, the history, since the first film, proved to have a lot of evolution with each of the characters and how they look like normal people.

Image Source: IMDb

Starting with Woody, he always has been loyal with his friends, always thinking about others, mainly with his kid and never putting himself first.

The point is, even leaving Andy, Wood works hard to be Boonie’s toy and always cares about his friends.

Of course, in real-life toys don’t have feelings, but they metaphorically represent us. The plot turns around Wood’s feelings and he finally realized his priorities, but he doesn’t accept he deserves so much more than to take care of people forever.

Betty also doesn’t accept that she deserves more and that it’s okay to change plans, people don’t have to be afraid of the future. Sometimes we can’t predict it, but the fear to risk can mess up everything. And the Little Fork doesn’t understand in that moment he has a new mission to conclude: stay with Boonie and be her new toy.

Image source: IMDb

Living without a kid was never an option for Wood, but staying alone for Betty was a priority. Also, it was strange for the Little Fork to be with a kid. We can learn from this movie that life changes, relationships change, priorities change, new challenges appear and it’s okay, it’s necessary to understand, this is living.

Bruna Canellas

Casper Libero '19

Journalism student in love with discovering new things and always in search of knowledge.
Giovanna Pascucci

Casper Libero '22

Estudante de Relações Públicas na Faculdade Cásper Líbero que ama animais e falar sobre séries.