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Almost Time to Say Goodbye: Get to Know Two Students on Their Last Years at Cásper Líbero

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Casper Libero chapter.

Daniela Boyadijan

Daniela Boyadijan is a third year RTVI student who talked with us about her expectations, dreams and plans in the communication world.

She wanted to study Journalism because she had the dream of interviewing famous people and her favorite bands! But then, talking with her sister – a journalism’s student – she realized that it wasn’t for her. 

Image Source: Facebook

Daniela started to search for communication courses and discovered the perfect one: RTVI! “I didn’t even know about this course! And then I said, ‘that’s what I want to do for my life!’, I had already thought about cinema, but wanted something broader. In the future, I want to work with cinema”, explains Daniela.

Now, Boyadijan works at Jornal da Gazeta, from TV Gazeta. She does the production part and it was another surprise to her: “I signed up more for the scholarship. I was never a fan of production; I hated this subject. But now, I love it! I really love my job, made up a family there.” She also told us that she changed her mind during her graduation: “I started the course wanting to work with edition, recording… Never thought about production and now it is something that I like to work with”.

Daniela explains that her view of the course at all also changed: “At my first year I thought that I could do everything, that I would work at Hollywood! Nowadays I understand that is a really difficult course, sometimes I don’t even know how I got here. And also, is a hard area to work with. But at the end of the day, I am very proud of everything that I did.”

Dani goes to her senior year in 2020 and talked about her expectations: “I think everything will be a surprise! I don’t even know what I’m going to do in my TCC. 2020 will be a roller coaster of emotions!”.

Even though she loves her job, Daniela doesn’t know with which area she wants to work with: “I don’t know what to expect. It’s an unstable course and area. I can’t say that I see myself doing a specific thing. I love my job, but I would like to try new things, new areas. My plan is to be happy with whatever I choose to do. My biggest dream is work with cinema.”

Dani also showed her vision of communication world: “I just want it to be most valued. Communication is something so important, everyone lives around it.”

Marcella Motta

From another perspective, we have Marcella Motta, a senior year Journalism student who has completely changed her mind since the beginning of the course.

Marcella, as most of journalism’s students, always loved to write and talked a lot as a child. But her passion has grown when she entered the “Galera Capricho”; she was just 12 but knew that writing was what she wanted to do for the rest of her life.

Image Source: Facebook

Nowadays, Motta works with public relations, what she never imagined! “I do startup’s public relations. I’ve never imagined myself doing public relations because I had some prejudice with this area. When I started the course I just wanted to work in writing. But now, I am graduating with a completely different opinion: I want to be a PR”.

However, Marcella is a little bit afraid of the future. She feels that is ready for job market, but at the same time she won’t be able to change her job when is not fully satisfied with it, like we can do when we are trainees. Also, her biggest dream is to have financial independence and give a financial feedback to her parents.

Marcella told us that her most important learning is to be open for all the possibilities communication world will give you: “I think it is an area with many possibilities. I thought that a journalist could only be a reporter, but it’s not like that, you are able to do infinity things. I think it is important to open your mind”.

Bárbara Moura

Casper Libero '21

Caiçara, nascida e criada em Santos hoje vivo na loucura de São Pauloa atrás do sonho de contar e conhecer novas histórias.
Giovanna Pascucci

Casper Libero '22

Estudante de Relações Públicas na Faculdade Cásper Líbero que ama animais e falar sobre séries.