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ABBA The Show Tour: Highlights From The Awaited Concert

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Casper Libero chapter.

The final performance of “ABBA The Show” in Brazil took place this Sunday at the Espaço Unimed in the city of São Paulo. The show was performed by members of the London National Symphony Orchestra as well as musicians from the original line-up. People of all ages, families and couples crowded around the tables. Everyone was visibly excited about the show.

Vibrations, shouts and clapping took over the room as the musical group took the stage on time. During the show, the audience was surprised by special guests, the first of which was Swedish guitarist Finn Sjöberg, who played some guitar solos with songs from the movie Mamma Mia.

As the band played one of their hits, “SOS”, images of the tragedy in Rio Grande do Sul were shown on the big screen on stage, with the band’s plea for help, “SOS RS”. The audience became emotional and cheered for the musicians who were touched by what was happening in the southern region of Brazil.

The other special guests were children from a guitar class who came on stage, while their photos played on the big screen, and joined the group in singing “I Have a Dream”, which the singers dedicated to every child in the world.

The highlight of the show was when all the stage lights turned red and the most anticipated song began. At the sound of “The Winner Takes All,” the audience chanted “It’s the best!” and sang over the singers’ voices.

As the band asked everyone to stand, the fans waited to see what song would start, and no one was disappointed. To the sound of “Dancing Queen,” everyone sang along and danced with their significant others. Couples hugged and friends performed for each other, everyone was connected and immersed in this long-awaited moment. When “Gimme! Gimme! Gimme!” began, everyone was caught up in the infectious energy of the atmosphere. Everyone was clapping and following the rhythm of the band.

A full house chanting “one more” was enough for the musicians to return to the stage for one more song, two members wearing Brazil’s number 10 jersey. The guitarist, who hadn’t sung before, performed the song “Does Your Mother Know” in his iconic white and gold pantaloons.


The article above was edited by Mariana Aguiar

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Giuliana Miranda

Casper Libero '27

I'm a journalist student and fascinated for art, beauty and fashion. I think it's necessary to have a critical look and have more manners to make this world more inclusive.