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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Casper Libero chapter.

The varsity jacket or letter jacket, is that beloved college jacket that we all see in American high school movies and always wished our school had one too. Lucky for us, Cásper had made some styles of varsity jackets, and if you didn’t had a chance to get one when they were designed, you can still try your luck on Brechó da Cásper!

This style is very cool and versatile. You can use it in a lot of ways, such as with jeans, cropped tops, skirts, pants or shorts.

Skirts, in my opinion, are the easiest way, since you can just put on some comfy shoes, your cool jacket and some complement that you like to wear.

You can also wear pantyhose underneath! Look how nice and prepped it looks:

Even Queen B ( Beyoncé) wears this cool jacket with some nice shoes

Here is my favorite look of all, the most simple, comfy and cool. A great jacket, cool pants and sneakers. By the way, it’s black and white, the colors that you can use with everything. 

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Casper Libero

Estudante de Rádio, Tv e Internet. Apaixonada por moda, street style, tendências, etc.Fiz um curso de Jornalismo de by LinkWiz"> moda online e escrevo em um blog : http://obaratonamoda.blogspot.com.brRedes Sociais : instagram.com/perolacoutofacebook.com/obaratonamodablogpinterest : perolacouto perolacouto.tumblr.com
Giovanna Pascucci

Casper Libero '22

Estudante de Relações Públicas na Faculdade Cásper Líbero que ama animais e falar sobre séries.