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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Casper Libero chapter.

Brazilian cinema has never had as much space as it has today. The number of filmmakers has grown, productions have increased, and, consequently, new national film festivals have emerged in the recent years.

These festivals bring together a diversity of audiences, that share the same passion for cinema. Get to know the festivals ranging from long to short, that embrace different genres and are scattered throughout the country.

Brazilian Film Festivals

#1 Festival de Brasília do Cinema Brasileiro (Brazilian Cinema Brasilia Festival)

This year, the festival that happens since 1967 will take place from in September. The annual festival has workshops and seminars aimed at empowering young talent, as well as being a conducive environment for contacts and fostering the national film market.

#2 Animage – Festival Internacional de Animação de Pernambuco (International Animation Pernambuco Festival)

Animage is a festival focused on the independent production of animated films and recognized as one of the most important events in this category of  Brazil. In addition to the sessions and special shows, workshops are held for professionals and beginners, aiming to encourage the segment’s production. This year, Animage will be held between October 12 and 21.

#3 72Horas – Festival de Cinema (72Hours – Cinema Festival)

The proposal of the 72Hours’ festival is to produce a short film in just three days.The script, the recordings and edits must be made within that time period and all submitted movies will be displayed. The productions come from all Brazilian states. More than six thousand filmmakers have already pass through the project. The 72Hours was created in 2014, happens annually in Rio de Janeiro and is free and open to all.

#4 Lugar de Mulher é no Cinema  (A Woman’s place Is In The Cinema) 

The festival’s main goal is to debate themes like the female visibility, violence against women and misogyny in the cinema. It intends, in last instance, to reaffirm the women’s place inside the movie industry. This year, 82 Brazilian short films were exhibited, which were produced, directed or starred by women. The festival happened during March and already has a new edition confirmed for 2019. It is held in Salvador, Bahia’s capital, is free and open to the public.

#5 Festival Kinoforum de Curtas Metragens Internacional de São Paulo (São Paulo International Kinoforum Short Films Festival)

Created in 1990, the festival is known for its vast and free agenda, that includes several movie theaters and cultural centers in the city of São Paulo. The event that aims  in the exchange between Brazilian and the international culture, happened between August and the beginning of September.

#6 Festival Internacional de Cinema de Gramado (Gramado International Film Festival)

Image Source: Edison Vara/Pressfoto

The 46th edition of the festival was held between August 17 and 25 and the winner of the Brazilian productions category was Ferrugem (Rust), directed by Aly Muritiba. The festival turns the Serra Gaúcha’s region into a meeting point for film researchers, communicators and students. Names like Gloria Pires, Betty Faria, Fernanda Montenegro and Grande Otelo, were honored with the Oscaritos statue, dedicated to great actresses and actors of the national cinema. In this edition, most of the 14 contestants have brought themes like racism, LGBT population issues and the Brazilian native’ s situation to the screens. Moreover, the festival exposed the Brazilian diversity, bringing together short films from the Northeast, Central-West, South and Southeast regions.

#7 Festival NOIA (NOIA Festival)

The 19th edition of the NOIA Festival – Audiovisual University Festival, will be held from October 11 to 16 in Fortaleza, Ceara’s capital. The admission is free.

In addition to the films, photography exhibitions and bands will also be promoted. The parallel programming will have artistic interferences, workshops, debates, academic fairs and seminars.

After that list, you only have to choose which festival do you want to attend first!

Gabriela Junqueira, 18 anos, estudante de jornalismo e aspirante a escritora. Busca nas palavras possibilidades.
Giovanna Pascucci

Casper Libero '22

Estudante de Relações Públicas na Faculdade Cásper Líbero que ama animais e falar sobre séries.