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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Casper Libero chapter.

It’s time for some scary movie! Halloween is here and although we don’t celebrate it here in Brazil, we can still use it as an excuse to do a marathon of thematic films. Thinking about it, here are some Halloween movies suggestions for you to spend your Wednesday night – or the weekend – with a good company. Check it out!

1. A famous one: It (2017)

Image Source: IMDB

The movie is based on the novel by the same name of the renowned author of thrillers: Stephen King. The story introduces the fictional American city called Darry, where children have been mysteriously disappearing, including Bill’s little brother. Determined to find his brother, the boy and his group of friends start looking for clues that leads to a mysterious and terrifying figure.

For being a recent movie the special effects are very well made, and this make the fear real. Children are undoubtedly one of the best parts of the film, their acting and plot building give them the necessary touch of adventure.

2. Only the classics: The Shining (1980)

Image Source: IMDB 

Another film inspired by the of Stephen King work’s is “The Shining”. Directed by Stanley Kubrick, the story is about a frustrated writer named Jack, who gets an opportunity to work as a janitor at the Overlook Hotel, which during winter is isolated by the blizzard, along with his wife and son. During the film strange things starts to happen, as the son has mediumistic powers and Jack himself begins to be disturbed by the situation of been isolated.

This film creates an atmosphere of claustrophobic suspense, because the way the plot unfolds the scenario gets tighter in the face of the madness of the characters. For being a classic of suspense movies, this work deserves a chance of those who do not know it yet.

3. A movie to think about: Get out! (2017)

Image Source: IMDB 

Do you want a horror movie but also have a message for society in the end? Get Out is your answer. The film released in 2017 by director and comedian Jordan Peele will tell the story of Chris, a young photographer who travels with his girlfriend to meet her parents. Everything was going well until they begin to have strange attitudes towards Chris, which involves the fact that he is black.

The film is super dynamic, everything happens very fast and yet it does not stop to build a climate of tension in the film. While the message on racism is evident but it is also shocking and brings a reflection on the theme.

4. An animation: The Nightmare Before Christmas (1993)

Image Source: IMDB

Why not a Halloween animation instead of a horror movie? Tim Burton’s “The Nightmare Before Christmas” movie is a classic choice for Halloween night. For those who do not know the story of the movie, Jack Skellington lives in the city of Halloween, tired of living in the same routine every year, is impressed by Christmas and intends to steal the attention of the Christmas celebration.

The animation is really fun and not too scary, but anyone who is not a fan of horror movies may have a better option. Also, it’s like a musical, with extremely addictive songs that will stick to your head for days.

5. The saga: Harry Potter (2001 – 2011)

Image Source: IMDB

Maybe a movie marathon might be a great choice, and why not Harry Potter? For those who do not know the history of this movie sequence, Harry is an orphaned boy who turns out to be a wizard and ends up being chosen to go to Hogwarts to study magic and witchcraft. There, the boy will have to deal with various challenges and mysteries involving a terrible event in his past, while still a baby.

An adventure with children in a magical universe is not exactly terrifying as a horror movie, but still remains on the theme of Halloween. In total there are eight movies, maybe one night is not enough to watch the whole saga, but surely enough to know this story.

6. Not that famous: Good Manners (2018)

Image Source: IMDB

Why not give a national horror movie a try? Well, the not-so-known movie “Good Manners” tells the story of Clara, a woman who is hired by Ana, a wealthy woman from São Paulo to be babysitting her unborn baby. Clara realizes that Ana’s pregnancy is not normal, as she has strange attitudes during full moon nights.

The film is involved in many secrets, especially in relation to Ana’s past that is not so enlightened. The way Clara is dealing with the events leaves the story quite realistic, especially in how she deals with one of the most classic horror movie monsters, without using any stereotypes. Give this Halloween the chance for Brazilian horror movies.

Now: trick or treat?

Fernanda Fernandes

Casper Libero '20

Curious about the world
Giovanna Pascucci

Casper Libero '22

Estudante de Relações Públicas na Faculdade Cásper Líbero que ama animais e falar sobre séries.