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#6 Facts That Prove Coldplay Is Still One Of The Best Groups Of The Humankind

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Casper Libero chapter.

We understand the power of the xylobands, those bracelets that shine according to the songs during the show, but this is not the only reason why Coldplay is the biggest band in the world and why, even after 20 years on the road, they still gather many fans around the world.

1. Their songs fit in every moment of our lives

Yeah, they not only fit, but represent ourselves and describe our feelings. Do you know when we can’t put in words how we feel about something? So, Coldplay can express this and more. Viva la Vida, their most famous song from 2008, plays till nowadays in graduation ceremonies. The Scientist and O are some of their songs that come to mind when we are sad, just like Fix You is perfect for those moments when we feel disappointed or frustrated about something.

But wait, there are not only sad songs, ok? A Sky Full of Stars, My Universe, Birds, Higher Power, Adventure of a Lifetime, and A Head Full of Dreams, are great songs for moments of joy and happiness. And if you just wanna listen to great rock music, we have Clocks, Violet Hill, Speed of Sound, In My Place, People of the Pride and much more!

2. They are active in many important causes

Despite this chaotic moment in the world – where Russia and Ukraine face a war – and in Brazil – where we watch constant threats and attacks to democracy and civil rights -, Coldplay has been fighting for political and social causes since their formation.

The artwork of the Viva la Vida album is based on the ideas of revolutionaries and guerrillas. One of their famous songs, Politik, was written by Chris Martin in the exact day of The September 11 attacks – when four coordinated suicide terrorist attacks were carried out by the militant Islamic extremist network al-Qaeda against the United States. By the way, Violet Hill was their first anti-war protest song.

Besides, it’s important to exalt the Everyday Life album, released in 2019 with a huge political and social activism in many ways. It was recorded in Jordan, and the songs carry themes such as violence, racism, anti-war protest, climate change, Faith, love and friendship. The main message of this album is: we gotta keep dancing when the lights go out, which means, as Chris Martin once said, “that every day is good, every day is terrible and it is also a blessing”.

3. They care about all their fans and think about literally everything!

Despite that amazing and lovely human being called Chris Martin, Coldplay isn’t just about him. There are three other members: Guy, Will and Jonny – who are as nice and caring as Chris.

Their love and respect for the fans is so that they risk singing one of their songs in the language where they are playing. Recently, during their Rock In Rio 2022 concert, they have changed all the lyrics and melody to sing Magic in Portuguese. And guess what? It worked and we loved it!

Chris has also learned how to sing Something Like This in Sign Language, performing an emotional moment of total inclusion and love. They want so badly for their concerts to be accessible that, in some of them, they distribute a wearable bass-delivering vest. So, if you are a deaf fan and would like to watch the show with this equipment, just send an email to access@coldplay.com.

4. Their concert in Rock In Rio 2022 was considered the best since Queen’s performance in 1985

You probably heard or saw some videos from a concert where the public received a kind of bracelet that shines in different colors according to the song the band played. Yes, this is Coldplay’s way to make not only a show, but a phenomenal experience for their fans.

The xylobands make the crowd go crazy! But let’s not attribute only to this fact the band’s concert success. The charisma, respect, excitement and joy of the Coldplay members are what make the bracelets effect even more special.

5. Coldplay doesn’t fit in a box

Every now and then Coldplay takes some risks and boom! There’s a new track totally different from what they’ve been producing, with a mix of instruments, voices, rhythms and so. They’ve been innovating their songs throughout the years – and that’s why many people no longer consider the group as an alternative rock band, but a pop one. However, they consider this change important for the evolution of the band because it shows how far they can explore and mix unlikely genders and sounds.

6. They are a 2000’s group!

Those five reasons above aren’t enough? So here we go! Being called as a 2000’s group is a great argument, since nowadays it’s a trend to go back to the clothing, songs, tv shows and more from those years. And guess what? Coldplay was formed in 1996, but their first album single was released in 2000: Shiver, from Parachutes.

These are only 6 reasons why you can be a proud and huge fan of Coldplay, but we know there are about a hundred more other motivations!


The article above was edited by Juliana Sanches.

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Julia Maciel

Casper Libero '24

Writting to provide knowledge. Knowledge changes the world. You can change the world. Majoring in Journalism at Cásper Líbero. Instagram: @juubritom