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5 Ways To Make Your Nail Polish Stay On Longer

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Casper Libero chapter.

Let’s face it, we all have been through that: nail polish chipping 2 hours after we applied it. For a girl who wants to have perfect nails, how disappointing can it be? Basically, it is the worst thing ever! However, what you should know is that the problem is not the polish at all – or sometimes our careless. We need to prepare our nails before the enamel application.

That’s what this post is about. I’ve put together some basic tips to help you deal with this kind of situation. Here they are:

1. Use nail polish remover on your nails before applying base coat, even if you don’t have polish on them. Clean and dehydrate nails are the first step to make your mani last longer. Besides that, give them a light buff to smooth bumps and avoid cracking.

2. Always use a base coat. Your polish will stick better to your nail if you prepare them with base coat first. Paint two base coat layers: the first on the top half of your nail, and the second over the entire nail.

3. Make sure your top coat is not old. Add thinners just to try to save your favorite enamel is not going to work. It will only change its color – and maybe cause you allergy and peeling. And if you go to a salon, consider bringing your own bottle of polish.

(Extra tip: don’t shake your polish up and down – just roll it between your hands to spread it more easily)

4. Chipped or overgrown nails? Not a problem! Add a little glitter to fix them. It’s a quick and pretty solution (plus: it will last for like forever!).

5. Wear gloves when cleaning or doing the dishes. The contact with cleaning chemicals and even hot water are the fastest way to ruin your nails, so try to avoid it. Gloves will help you to protect your skin and make your mani last.



Anna is a 21 year old from Sao Paulo, Brazil, who studies Journalism at Casper Libero University. She’s currently the Editor in Chief of Her Campus CL's Chapter and is pretty obsessed with fashion, beauty and (trashy) reality TV shows. 
Giovanna Pascucci

Casper Libero '22

Estudante de Relações Públicas na Faculdade Cásper Líbero que ama animais e falar sobre séries.