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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Casper Libero chapter.

In 1945, Claire Randall, a world war II nurse, traveled with her husband Frank Randall to Scotland. One day, during her tour around the city, in one moment she unexpectedly disappears and appears again in the same place, but in another time of the history: 1743.

Outlander is a TV show that talks about time travel, historical moments and of breakage, with a lot of romance and emotion. In tribute to the season five that is just about to launch, we separate 5 reasons for you start following Outlander!

The Magical Plot

The plot is incredibly magical in many ways. The way that the show mixes time travel with other subjects is pretty dynamic and well produced. The protagonist has to deal with events from two hundred years ago while falling in love with a Scottish highlander, facing a big challenge on her way back.

It sounds cliché, but the history is far from being just that. I am pretty sure that the history is going to catch you! You can watch the trailer here

Historical Events

We have a lot of important events in our history shown in the show for talks about time travel. It’s very interesting to learn while you watch all these events portrayed. The author mix fiction with reality, but all the episodes really happened.

It talks mainly about the Scottish history, since Jacobite wars, but also shows Jamaica, France and even EUA stories. It is almost a funnier history class!

Places, Photographies And Costume

The photography, costumes and of course, the scenario make all the difference in a production, even the makeup. Outlander, for being a historical show, has to be loyal in all these aspects. And it doesn’t disappoint. All the beauty of Scotland and its landscapes are too well demonstrated. The costumes and makeup are well crafted and helps to put you in the history.

The Characters

The mainly character is a woman and she is really empowered! She gets into trouble without even thinking when she thinks it’s right and defend her point of view, never keeping herself shout. A very powerful woman in the show.

Jamie Fraser, the male character, is difficult to not falling in love. He is sensitive, protector and go through very hard difficults during the show. He has a spirit of leadership that motivates anyone, I doubt you to watch without falling for this man!

The Amazing Soundtrack

The soundtrack, for me, is one of the nicest things to follow in something you are watching. Outlander doesn’t fail at this point. The songs that reminds of Scotland and its typical songs are great at listening. Besides, the title theme song is one of the more beautiful ones I’ve ever seen. You can listen here

Outlander is perfect for who loves history, time travel, beauty photography and a lot of ins and outs, it is available at Netflix and its fifth season is just about to come!

Nicoly Bastos

Casper Libero '22

Student at Casper Líbero who loves writing and hope to help world become a better place with it❤️ Instagram: @nic_bastos
Giovanna Pascucci

Casper Libero '22

Estudante de Relações Públicas na Faculdade Cásper Líbero que ama animais e falar sobre séries.