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5 Books To Keep You Entertained During Quarantine

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Casper Libero chapter.


We all know the moment we are living through. With all this chaos of coronavirus and social isolation, it’s normal to be anxious and worried about what will happen. Maybe all we need at this time is some books to relax and be entertained. So here is a list of 5 books to enjoy during this tough period.

Circe – Madeline Miller

I know you know at least one Greek god. But do you know Circe? She is a goddess and a witch. Her first appearance in the literature was in Homer’s Odyssey, but she is just the secondary character. In this book, a retelling of Circe’s story, you will discover that there is so much more behind. For the times of feminism, it is a really good choice.

On the Come Up – Angie Thomas

Bri is a sixteen-year-old girl that dreams to be a rapper. Living under the shadow of her father’s success on hip-hop, dealing with his early death, the loss of her mother’s job and the labels that come up in school, she only has her dream. Until her song goes viral. Talking about important subjects such as poverty and prejudice, you cannot leave this off your shelf.

The Pillars of the Earth – Ken Follet

Get lost in the medieval world. In this book, we follow people like Philip, the prior of Kingsbridge, or Tom, a man wishing to build a cathedral. In between, the politics, the power and the life in the twelfth – century England. If you like History, you will like this one.

Leia, Princess of Alderaan – Claudia Gray

Even if you don’t like or never watched the Star Wars films, this is a book that worths your attetion. Following the young Princess Leia, the known character of the Star Wars saga, this book reveals how she joined the rebellion against the empire. Much more than this, is an adventure of a sixteen-year-old discovering who she is. Even if you never heard of her, this is a good place to start.

Fall of Giants – Ken Follet

The first book on The Century Trilogy, Fall of Giants is a wonderful historical fiction. Going on through the period of the World War I, it follows different families at different countries around the world. Showing how these people are affected by the war in Russia, United States, England, Germany and Wales. And do not fear its 865 pages, because the history will flow and you will won’t even notice the time passing by.


The article above was edited by Mel Trench. 

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journalism major | senior editor at her campus at cásper líbero
Giovanna Pascucci

Casper Libero '22

Estudante de Relações Públicas na Faculdade Cásper Líbero que ama animais e falar sobre séries.