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5 Books About Journalism So You Won’t Forget College During Vacations

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Casper Libero chapter.


We all know that, during vacations, all we want is to lay down and rest (perhaps for ten hours, ops), but if you’re in college, maybe it’s a perfect opportunity to learn more about journalism and read books about it. Take a look at 5 books that will help you to get back to class sharp and ready.

1. The Journalist and the Assassin – Janet Malcom​

Image Source: Saraiva​

In 1984, the doctor Jeffrey MacDonald, who was convicted of the murder of his wife and two daughters, filed an unprecedented lawsuit against a journalist who had written a book about him based on interviews in jail and during the trial. Ruling on issues as controversial as the ethics of journalism and freedom of the press, the process had an enormous repercussions in the United States. Taking it as the basis for her argument, Janet Malcolm does in “The Journalist and the Assassin” an analysis of the relationship between journalists and their interviewees, raising embarrassing questions and proposing controversial answers about the nature of journalistic work. You can find it in Saraiva.

2. In Cold Blood – Truman Capote

Image Source: Bula

Perhaps this is the most famous book in the “journalism world”, that every student or aspirant journalist should read. Truman writes about the brutal murder of the Clutter family at  in the middle east of United States, in 1969.

The book describes in details the reaction of the city’s residents, the police investigation and the footsteps of the criminals during the escape, and the previous history of the killers. You can find it on Amazon.

3. Chatô, The King of Brazil – Fernando Morais​

Image Source: Livraria Cultura

This one tells us about the story of one of the most powerful brazilian journalists at in the 1940’s, 50’s and 60’s: Assis Chateaubriand. He is the founder of MASP (São Paulo’s Museum of Art) and owned almost a hundred journals, radio stations and TV channels. You can find it at Livraria Cultura.

4. Fame and Obscurity – Gay Talease

Image Source: Livraria Cultura

This book are is filled with information that seems useless, but in the hands of Talase, imprint the real texture of NYC and the face of the new yorkers. In this book, the author begins what would later be called “new journalism” or literary journalism, a kind of reporting that alias allies a high quality text to a look that escapes to the common places. You also can find it at Livraria Cultura.

5. 66 Route – Caco Barcellos

Image Source: Amazon

The brazilian super famous journalist Caco Barcellos wrote about the São Paulo’s police and how they kill more people than help. The book deals with the death of a group of middle-class youths from São Paulo through an action of ROTA, a specialized unit of the Military Police of the State of São Paulo. From this point the fact becomes the link between so many other unexplained murders carried out by the police. You can find it in Amazon.

After get to know about those awesome books, it seems there’s only one way out: read them all!

Camila Simões

Casper Libero

Estudante de jornalismo apaixonada pela comunicação e a forma como ela estreita as relações entre as pessoas.
Giovanna Pascucci

Casper Libero '22

Estudante de Relações Públicas na Faculdade Cásper Líbero que ama animais e falar sobre séries.