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15 Years Of ‘The Office’: Top 15 Moments From the TV Show

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Casper Libero chapter.

Dunder Mifflin, this is Pam. Warning: this text contains spoilers. 

One of the most watched TV shows of all time, “The Office” turned 15-years-old in 2020. Even though the program has been off the air since 2013, it’s still remembered by the fans and the internet through videos, gifs and even songs, just like Billie Eilish’s “my strange addiction”, which contains samples of some of the mockumentary’s most famous dialogues. 

From the acid jokes made by Michael Scott to the pranks Jim plays on Dwight – or Dwight plays on Jim, depending on the episode -, every The Office fan can tell you their favorite moments from the series. In order to remind you of some of these moments and help you to build your own list of favorites, here’s some of the best scenes from the TV show. 

Dwight’s fire drill (From Stress Relief, pt. 1 – Season 5, Episode 14)

“Today, smoking is going to save lives”. Said by Dwight while putting the fire into Dunder Mifflin’s office, this is certainly one of the most iconic phrases on the TV show. The scene itself is also something to talk about because of its details: there’s Kevin breaking into the vending machine to save all the candy inside of it, Oscar on the rooftop with Angela throwing her hidden cat at him, Michael screaming from a broken window that they need help and Stanley having a heart attack right in the middle of the workplace. Way to go, Dwight. 

When Michael burned his foot on the George Foreman’s Grill (From The Injury –  Season 2, Episode 12)

“The Injury” begins with Michael screaming about his burned foot in a phone call, asking if Pam could save him. When Jim asks about how he burned his foot, Michael says he loves to wake up to the sound of crippling bacon on the grill and puts it right beside his bed so that he can smell it. Pam tells Dwight, who runs right after him, crashes his car on a pole and has a concussion. The whole episode is very funny and weird since Michael tries to pretend he had a serious health issue while Dwight actually has one and, by the end of it, they end up in the hospital with Jim.

The entire Dinner Party episode (From Dinner Party –  Season 4, Episode 13)

As Jan’s assistant Hunter would sing, that one night they made everything alright… Actually, they didn’t. There’s a moment in which Jim tells the crew that Jan and Michael are playing between themselves to see who can make the situation more uncomfortable for the guests during the party and that’s exactly what happens. It’s perfectly cringy, from Jan’s candle business to Michael’s plasma TV and their discussions – that happen all along the episode – and that’s what makes it one of the best moments of the TV show. 

Jim imitates Dwight  (From Product Recall –  Season 3, Episode 21)

Bears, beets, Battlestar Galactica. As a follow up to the series of pranks that happens during the show, Jim appears with the same outfit and glasses Dwight wears in the “Product Recall” episode’s cold open. Jim mocks and imitates some of Dwight’s most known lines, such as “Michael!” and “false”, and ends up getting accused of identity theft, which is not a joke and millions of families suffer every year from it (got it?). 

Kevin dropping his chilli  (From Casual Friday – Season 5, Episode 26)

In one of the most-known cold opens of the TV show, Kevin tells the camera crew about the chilli he brings once a year to Dunder Mifflin and how he had spent the whole night working on that. When he gets to the office, the elevator isn’t working, which makes him run up the stairs with a pan full of chilli. As he arrives, he drops it all on the floor. It’s heartbreaking. (And funny as hell). 

Strike, scream and run (From Test The Store – Season 8, Episode 17)

Creed is one of the best characters in The Office and that’s a fact. Nobody knows exactly what he works on in Dunder Mifflin, not even himself. In “Test The Store”, Toby is giving a lecture about self-defence and talks about a tactic called “strike, scream and run”. All of sudden, Creed gets up from his chair, runs up to Meredith, gives her a strike, then screams, then runs out of the room. Magical. 

The entire A Benihana Christmas episode (From A Benihana Christmas pt. 1 and 2 – Season 3, Episodes 10 and 11)

In “A Benihana Christmas”, Angela fights Pam and Karen to see who will be making the best Christmas party in Dunder Mifflin. There’s a lot of headlights in this one: Kevin singing “You Oughta Know” by Alanis Morrissette, Michael’s “bros before hoes” speech right after he got dumped by Cindy, Kelly singing “We Belong Together” to Ryan and Angela joining the girls’ party by the end of the episode.

Kevin playing drums and singing on Scrantonicity (From Phyllis’ Wedding – Season 3, Episode 16)

This episode is certainly one of the best in “The Office”: Phyllis gets married to Bob Vance (from Vance Refrigeration) and asks Kevin to play at her wedding with his band, Scrantonicity, named after The Police’s 1983 album “Synchronicity”. Phyllis’ uncle gets lost because Dwight expels him from the party and Michael is asked to leave because of his inappropriate comments and attitudes while Kevin plays some of the best of The Police and Sting’s discography during the wedding.

When Dwight saves Jim from Roy (From The Negotiation – Season 3, Episode 19)


Oh, the drama. Roy discovers that Pam and Jim had kissed right after his relationship with Pam was over. He gets angry and gets up to the office so that he can punch Jim. When he gets to Dunder Mifflin, he calls Jim and runs right after him, but gets stopped by Dwight and his pepper spray. Too much to think about this moment.

Threat Level Midnight (From Threat Level Midnight – Season 7, Episode 17)

After 11 years of making, Michael finally debuts his first movie, “Threat Level Midnight”, in the conference room. The first mention of the movie happened during season 2, when Jim finds out a film script in Michael’s office and prints it out so that he and Pam can read it. The movie is hilarious and it’s a great beginning to Michael Scott’s departure from the series, which happens a few episodes later on season 7.

Jim and Pam’s Wedding (From Niagara pt. 1 and 2 – Season 6, Episodes 4 and 5) 

Jim and Pam are one of the most-known couple goals in television history. Being a The Office fan or not, everyone knows about them. After 6 seasons of forbidden love between the two characters, they get married in a trip to Niagara Falls and invite the whole Dunder Mifflin’s office. The wedding is magical and counts with a lot of lovey-dovey moments, such as Jim cutting out a part of his tie because Pam’s veil got ripped and the wedding dance. I’m sure a 100% of the people who watched this episode never listened to the song “Forever” by Chris Brown in the same way.

Prison Mike (From The Convict – Season 3, Episode 9)

The Dementors! In “The Convict”, Michael discovers that Martin is a convict and gives life to a stereotypical character named Prison Mike. Entering the conference room with a purple bandana and saying stuff like “don’t drop the soap” by the content he got 50% from the internet and 50% from his period in real life prison, Michael makes everyone embarrassed by his acting, even the spectator.

The roast of Michael Scott (From Michael’s Last Dundies – Season 7, Episode 21)

The Michael Scott’s roast was one of the last Steve Carrell’s moments on the TV show. Knowing that the whole office is angry at him, Michael decides to let the Dunder Mifflin employees release some of their steam by making a roast at him. He makes an improvised stage on the deposit and each one of his office co-workers make jokes about him and his management. 

Dwight blasting Everybody Hurts in his car (From The Fire – Season 2, Episode 4)

This is a sad Dwight moment. After getting jealous of the attention Ryan, the temp that got promoted, is receiving from Michael, Dwight gets up to his car and blasts REM’s “Everybody Hurts”, a song that was elected as the saddest one ever in a poll released in 2012, making everyone worried for him.

The Michael Scott Foundation (From Scott’s Tots – Season 6, Episode 12)

“Hey Mr. Scott, what are you gonna do?” Make a whole class of high school graduates disappointed. In this episode, Stanley tells Pam and Erin that Michael had made a deal with a whole school class telling the kids that he would pay for their college expenses. The kids grow up and he is invited to the school to meet them, but he refuses to pay their bills and gives away computer charges instead. Cringy, but hilarious. 

Bonus Moments

Pam’s speech in the Dundies (From The Dundies – Season 2, Episode 1)

Pam gets drunk after fighting with Roy and after receiving a Dundie she starts to thank everything, mainly the chilli she’s eating, saying that she felt God in her food.

Toby’s return (From Frame Toby – Season 5, Episode 9)

NO GOD, PLEASE NO. That’s basically the spectators reaction while watching Michael receiving Toby back in Dunder Mifflin’s office. This scene is one of the most famous excerpts from The Office online.

Finale (From Finale pt. 1 and 2 – Season 9, Episodes 24 and 25)

Fact: The Office’s finale is one of the best endings to TV shows ever. They got everything wrapped up, from Dwight’s love life to Jim and Pam’s relationship and even Erin’s parents appear in the episode. It’s all there and it’s beautiful. Save your tissues for that.


The article above was edited by Karen Oliveira.

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Isabella Vieira

Casper Libero

Loves to talk about music, movies, memes and cats.