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#11 Products You Didn’t Know Were Vegan

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Casper Libero chapter.

The vegan cause has been given more and more attention and has become increasingly popular in the last few years. On platforms such as Youtube, you can find a multitude of recipes that exclude the consumption of meat and any animal products. Also, several brands have started to offer vegan versions of their products, to reach this audience and attend this demand that has been growing a lot. 

However, there are some originally vegan products that you may not even imagine the absence of any animal derivatives in their ingredients. Check out some of them below and discover that the vegan diet is not as far from our reality as it seems!


“French Bread”

That’s right, the Brazilian breakfast star is originally a vegan food. It has water, salt, and flour as basic ingredients. However, the recipe has many variations. Some of them may take dairy products like butter or milk, so it is always good to check with the baker what is the composition of the bread you are buying!

Pita Bread

Pita bread has its origin in the Middle East. It is a flat bread that can be stuffed and eaten like a sandwich. Its original recipe is very simple and consists on a small amount of ingredients: flour, water, yeast, and salt.

In addition, pita bread can be accompanied by vegan pastas such as babaganush, made of eggplant and humus, made of chickpeas. These are two of the most famous, but there are more countless possibilities and several recipes available online.

Rap 10

Rap10 is an extremely simple and practical solution for those who want to eat without a lot of work. It is a tortilla bread that can be prepared in many ways, with savory or sweet fillings. Just use your creativity or get inspired by the recipes that the Rap10 website offers!

The brand has 4 different types of bread: Traditional, Wholegrain, Fit and Chia and Quinoa, all of them are vegan. So, how about having Rap10 for dinner today?


Offered by Bimbo, the same food group as Rap10, this little bread is a perfect vegan option for an afternoon snack. Bisnaguito is Pullman’s bisnaguinha which, despite what it seems, has no animal ingredients in its recipe.


Paçoquita is a candy with a unique and unmistakable flavor that 25 years ago was established as a tradition in Brazil. It is a product made of peanuts, salt, and sugar, which can take part in a very tasty vegan diet.


What many still don´t know is that this famous chocolate biscuit with vanilla filling is a product that does not contain any animal ingredients.

Still, the brand does not claim to be vegan, because these cookies may contain traces of milk by the crossing with other non-vegan products that came from the same machinery.

Despite this, there are some vegan people and associations such as PETA, a organization that fights for animal´s rights, that recognize Oreos as a food capable of participating in an animal-free diet. So, there are two positions, which side are you on?

Doritos Dippas

This is a great vegan option for a Mexican food night. Perfect to be dipped in your guacamole, or make your chili beans crisper. Doritos Dippas doesn’t have the nacho cheese flavor that we know from its most famous version. Besides, it is made only of white corn, vegetable oils and salt.

Lay’s Classic

Now we are going to prove that a vegan diet can be very tasty! Lay´s Classic potato chips does not take animal derivatives in their composition. It is only made of potato powder, vegetable oils and flavorings. Did you know that?

Hemmer ketchup

Hemmer ketchup is a 100% vegan alternative as it has only water, tomato pulp, vinegar, sugar, salt, spices, and some preservatives in its composition. The brand also follows an ethical path, seeking to cause a low impact on nature and does not carry out any type of tests on animals.

Gomets gummy candy

If you are looking for a gummy candy that has no animal ingredients, Gomets is the perfect one. Unlike the others, which normally carry collagen, a protein from the skin and bones of animals such as pigs, in its composition, this Dori brand candy uses cornstarch as a base.

Whole grain pasta

The original recipe for whole grain pasta is vegan as it takes whole wheat flour and wheat semolina instead of eggs! Meanwhile, the recipe may change according to the brand, so it is always important to check the ingredients of the pasta you are going to buy. Vilma´s pasta is an alternative for those who want a meal free of animal derivatives, worth a try!

All these products are already part of the daily lives of many people. The same ones who judge the vegan lifestyle as something impractical. It is important to research the topic to get reliable information in order to understand more about the importance of achieving at least a reduction in meat consumption. 

With small changes we are already capable of causing great impacts. As we saw here, many of the foods we already eat are vegan, but the possibilities are endless! How about exploring these vegan alternatives more often from now on?


The article above was edited by Gabriela Girardi.

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Vivian Cerri

Casper Libero '22

I'm an advertising student, passionate about art, culture and music. I love to read, write, draw, dance, try different recipes and learn new things! I want to impact the world around me the best way I can.