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Thoughts Girls Have While Studying Abroad

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Case chapter.

Just some musings friends (or I) may or may not have had while abroad…


Rome: I’ll trade off between eating pizza, spaghetti, and pretending I’m Lizzie McGuire while I take a picture flipping a coin into the Trevi Fountain. Also, if someone mistakes me for a popstar, I’ll be ready for it.

Brussels: If I don’t come home with enough chocolate to last me the rest of the year, then I clearly have some serious issues to deal with.


Munich: I just spent 500 euros for a weekend trip to drink huge glasses of beer, wear a dimdl, and eat pretzels…and I likely won’t remember much of this Oktoberfest weekend once I have my second thing of beer.


Barcelona: Just get me some Sangria and call me a Cheetah Girl.


London: Everything is so posh and everyone has an accent and I just can’t.


Paris: Let’s just picnic under the Eiffel Tower with our baguettes while passing Parisians openly judge us.


Dublin: Beer! Guiness is made here, right?


Madrid: People don’t go out until 3AM? It’s only 11PM and I’m jetlagged, barely siesta-d, and already drunk but…okay, lets do it.


Amsterdam: Let’s ride our rented bikes around the canals and make a pit stop in a coffee shop before wandering through the Red Light District. I also must buy a wheel of cheese.


Milan: If you go to the fashion capital of the world and don’t instagram pictures of you buying everything in sight, did you even really go?


Prague: I’ve traveled everywhere else in Europe, which means I spent all my money, but I still want to travel…I heard everything in Prague is beautiful and cheap. Win-win.